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Regime is trying to set the stage for executing political prisoners and attack Ashraf

Sample ImageClerical regime’s ongoing fabrications against PMOI in the midst of internal fissures and failure to curb popular protests

Regime is trying to set the stage for executing political prisoners and attack Ashraf

NCRI – In a frightful reaction to the uprising of the Iranian people on June 20, last night, the faltering clerical regime relayed a completely false accusation from the head of Mazandaran province prosecutor’s office who announced that, “5 people have been arrested [in relation] to recent attempts by the PMOI to plant bombs in several cities in Mazandaran.” He went on to make another absurd claim, adding, “The Ramsar judiciary worked on behalf of the judiciary system to arrest these individuals. There is no additional information at this point” (Fars news agency, affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, June 19, 2010).

The religious fascism ruling Iran has failed to confront public anger and rage toward the absolute clerical system and has been unable to curb the rising popularity of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) among the Iranian people. Officials and media outlets of the clerical regime, which is also grappling with intense internal fissures and crises, have in the past week resorted to a series of attempts at hollow show of force in order to raise morale among their forces, claiming that “a 60-mm mortal launcher as well as military mortar shells have been discovered on Jomhouri Street” (Javan Online, June 12, Tabnak website, June 13). They have also announced “the arrest of a number of PMOI members in Tehran (Tehran Governor, Fars news agency, June 15), “the arrest of two PMOI terrorist teams that were seeking to plant bombs in several squares in Tehran” (Heydar Moslehi, Minister of Intelligence, June 15), as well as “the confessions of two members of the terrorist PMOI grouplet” (Raja News, June 18).

Moslehi, the regime’s Intelligence Minister, who is furious about European Union sanctions against the regime, said in a June 15 interview that, “The PMOI sent these individuals from Iraq with the support of countries like Britain, Sweden, and France, seeking to carry out bombings in several important and sensitive locations in Tehran targeting innocent lives.”
In the context of this ludicrous and desperate campaign, the Iranian regime’s Foreign Ministry summoned British and Swedish ambassadors to convey the regime’s protest “in relation to the two nations’ support for the PMOI.” The completely false allegations by Talebi, Moslehi, and other officials, claiming that the PMOI is trying to carry out bombings against people, and that “terrorists” have been trained in Ashraf, seek to pave the way for the execution of political prisoners and an attack against Camp Ashraf as well as massacring its residents. The mullahs regard Ashraf residents as an existential threat.

The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of the UN Secretary General, Security Council, High Commissioner for Human Rights and other responsible international organs to the clerical regime’s plots against the lives of political prisoners and Ashraf residents and calls for urgent measures in order to prevent the occurrence of a humanitarian catastrophe.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 20, 2010