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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestDemonstrations at Tehran, Sharif and Honar Universities

Demonstrations at Tehran, Sharif and Honar Universities

Demonstrations at Tehran, Sharif and Honar UniversitiesJune 2010 Uprising – 6

Mosadeq junction and Vanak square, two centers of gathering and clashes
Commander of SSF threatening protesters with arrests

NCRI – At about 17:00 local time, people were chanting “Death to dictator” and “death to Khamenei” at the entrance gate of Honar University. The plainclothes agents and State Security Forces attacked and beat them with batons and wooden truncheon. Skirmishes spread to adjacent streets. A number of people have been wounded.

Sharif University students strongly resisted brutal attacks by suppressive forces obstructing them from going out of the university complex. The students were beaten while they were chanting “Allahu Akbar.” Students are trying to join protesters in Azadi Street. Students at Tehran University are demonstrating and singing songs and are trying to join protesters outside the university.

Mosadeq Junction and Vanak Square are two main gathering points and clashes between people and the suppressive forces. People are resisting brutal attacks by the regime’s agents.

At 15-Khordad metro station Tehran residents clashed with agents of the regime and beat one of the Bassij agents.

At 17:00 in Ferdowsi Street, plainclothes agents beat two army conscripts who refused to suppress people and took them away to an unknown location.

At 17:00, police helicopters hovering over Imam Hossein Square were monitoring movements of the crowd.
This afternoon, following the start of protests and clashes in different parts of Tehran, Hossein Sajedi Nia, Greater Tehran police chief tried to intimidate the protesters in a televised message. He said: "The police will deal with any attempt to disrupt order under any circumstances and anywhere by legal means. They will not allow a small group of individuals to threaten the security of the citizens.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 12, 2010