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Iran determined to resume nuclear fuel work: Ahmadinejad

Nuclear site in IranAgence France Presse – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that Iran would not "step back" on its decision to resume nuclear fuel work, state television reported.

"Our country will go forward on the nuclear path with patience, wisdom and planning," the hardline president was quoted as saying after a parliament session on the state budget.

"In a letter to (International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed) ElBaradei we announced we want to do research on nuclear technology," he said.

"In the nuclear matter we have the most coherent diplomacy and the whole regime is acting with full coordination, he said.

"We will not make a step back on our path."

Iran’s student-run news agency ISNA further quoted Ahmadinejad as rejecting Western influence on Iranian policies.

"They (Western countries) are so rude that if we allow them they will tell us to shut down all our universities, whereas research has no restrictions or red lines," he said.

"We cannot base our national interest on their policy."

The UN nuclear watchdog agency headed by ElBaradei earlier Tuesday urged Iran to "maintain its suspension of all enrichment-related activity" after receiving the letter from Tehran saying it would resume nuclear fuel research next week.

The IAEA said it had been informed in a "note verbale" from the Iranian mission in Vienna of Tehran’s decision to resume, as of January 9, research and development "on the peaceful nuclear energy programme which has been suspended."

ElBaradei recalled "the importance placed by the IAEA Board that Iran maintains its suspension of all enrichment-related activity as a key confidence building measure", the agency said.