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Layoffs on the rise in various cities in Iran

Layoffs on the rise in various cities in Iran70 percent rise in expulsion of workers compared to last year

NCRI – Workers layoffs in Iran are on the rise in cities across Iran. According to the regime’s officials, the rate of layoffs reaches 49 percent in Tehran and more than 70 percent in the whole country compared to last year (ILNA, April 8, 2010).

After taking control of the state-owned Telecommunications Company in an effort to monitor people’s communications and spread the wave of suppression in Iran, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has resorted to widespread firings of dissident workers. As part of these measures, it has closed down telephone directory service in the provinces.

In Tehran, the number of workers at the Pars Electric factory, one of the largest factories in the city, has shrunk from 3,500 to 150.

In Tabriz, a large number of workers at the most well-known manufacturing units have been laid off. These companies include the giant petrochemical complex, a car assembly plant, tractor manufacturing plant, Motogen, ball bearing plant, piston manufacturing, Tabriz textiles and lift truck manufacturing or Bonyan Diesel.

The tractor manufacturing plant is on the brink of bankruptcy as a result of scarce raw materials and imports of tractors from foreign countries, leaving a large segment of the employees out of work. 3,200 of the workers are now impoverished.

Production at Motogen factory in Tabriz, which manufactures various home and industrial electro motors, with a 35-year history, has also expelled some of its workers.

In Shiraz, the meat plant of Fars, which previously employed over 1,400 workers, has been completely shut down.

The number of workers at the Azmayesh plant in Marvdasht has been reduced from 1,800 to 100

Also in Fars province, 700 employees out of a total of 1,500 at the Fars long distance telecommunications company were expelled. The employees had not been paid for 14 months.

100 workers at the Hafez Tiles plant have been expelled, while the 400 remaining employees are left without being paid or receiving benefits.

In addition to 70 percent of the plants at the industrial township, the Siemens Company, Dadeli Flour Plant, and the Fars Cement Factory are facing serious hurdles and crises.

According to a clerical regime official, in the region of Kheirabad in Varamin alone, 250 manufacturing units have been closed down, rendering their workers without jobs (ILNA, April 19, 2010).

Economic ruin, industrial wreckage and the poverty of millions of workers in Iran are just some of the consequences of the clerical regime’s plunders and unpopular policies, which squander the nation’s vast resources and wealth in the nuclear weapons development project and export of terrorism.

As the International Workers’ Day approaches, the Iranian Resistance calls on the International Labor Organization, all workers’ unions and syndicates, as well as organizations advocating workers’ rights across the world to defend the rights of Iranian workers and condemn the anti-labor and suppressive policies of the clerical regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 22, 2010