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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceThe clock is ticking as Iranian regime gets closer to the bomb

The clock is ticking as Iranian regime gets closer to the bomb

 By: Shahriar Kia
Source: FamilySecurityMatters.org
The G-8 held negotiations in Canada on new round of sanctions against Iran to stop its uranium enrichment ambitions last week. Agreements and progressions were reached among the eight industrial nations of the world regarding fresh measures against Iran, officials involved in talks said. Of course, what the negotiation results will accomplish, taking into consideration that the past eight years have only bought Iran time to inch closer to the bomb, is something time has to tell. In today’s world, political and security crises have different roots.

Although experience has shown in order to solve these dilemmas, one must first concentrate on its main origin. In this day and age, Islamic fundamentalist terrorism combined with nuclear weapons is the main threat and crisis facing worldwide peace and security. The bewilderment seen in Western policy, mainly the U.S., confronting Iran is due to the lack of knowledge concerning the phenomenon called Velayat-Faqieh. Replicating historic examples from the Cold War era has complicated actions to solve this crisis. Therefore the question is: Is there a solution to prevent Iran’s nuclear weapons ambitions and terrorism?

The clerical dictatorship ruling Iran, due to its reliance on religion, and benefiting from the potential mainly existing in Middle East Islamic cultures, is the core of current international challenges. With Khomeini coming to power in 1979 in Iran, this phenomenon discovered foundation to spread its beliefs in other countries. In the past two decades, the Iranian regime has been in pursuit of nuclear weapons full speed on one hand, and meddling in Middle Eastern countries, from Afghanistan to Iraq and Lebanon, to expand fundamentalism on the other. The Iranian Resistance has again and again warned the international community about this issue and exposed the regime’s fatal role on this ground – however, the West’s irresponsible policy in regard to this devious phenomenon has been the appeasement of this regime.

The result of this policy has not only failed in stopping the mullahs’ nuclear weapon ambitions and terrorism, it has also procured a more convenient environment to further expand their state-sponsored terrorism and nuclear weaponization. The blacklisting of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the main and only organized opposition of the regime is yet another tactic in the West’s appeasement policy regarding Iran. This measure has chained the only potential movement that can prevail in this crisis and bring change to Iran. This unjustified listing has assisted the mullahs’ rule.

The Iranian people focused their chants in their uprising against the principle of the Velayat-Faqih and targeted Khamenei directly. This is not a self-spontaneous act, though it is the result of three decades of resistance and sacrifice with the goal of democratic change. Until Iran’s political power is based on the Velayat-Faqih code, any change or reform, withdrawal on uranium enrichment and nuclear weaponization or improvement of human rights status is futile and will ultimately depend on the end of the Velayat-Faqih rule and religious dictatorship. Needless to say, this will lead to the complete annihilation of the regime. Therefore, this regime neither does nor ever had the capacity to perform any change or reform.

The last 30 years have clearly proven that this scenario is impossible. If any probability of reform existed in Iran, the Iranian Resistance and particularly PMOI would have invested on it even before the West. The strategy of regime overthrow and change in Iran, represented by the PMOI and the Iranian Resistance, is the last possible solution, and three decade’s long worth of experience that has been gained through a heavy price, including 120,000 executions and the massacre of the opposition.

By announcing the three principles of disavowing religious dictatorship, the establishment of a republic and secularism, the National Council of Resistance of Iran has paved the way for all political movements to unite in a wide front, keeping alive the light of resistance against the mullahs. This effort has resulted in the Iranian people’s uprising to reach its current status.
The solution to end the Iranian regime’s nuclear projects and support of terrorism is neither in appeasement nor in military intervention. Democratic change through the Iranian people and their organized resistance symbolize the only solid solution. Therefore, limitations should be lifted from the PMOI, being the force capable of obtaining this change. The PMOI should be removed from the US State Dept. List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations and above all, all restrictions enforced on Camp Ashraf, home to 3,400 members of this organization. They have the potential of bringing change to Iran. As a reminder, the clock is ticking and terrorism is inching closer and closer to the A-bomb.

FamilySecurityMatters.org Contributing Editor Shahriar Kia is a member of the PMOI in Ashraf.