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New Intelligence Ministry agents sent to Camp Ashraf

 Mullahs’ agents sent to Ashraf – Statement no. 10

NCRI – Since Monday, March 29, the mullahs’ regime has brought 15 new agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), under the guise of relatives of Camp Ashraf residents, from Khuzistan Province to the entrance of the camp to step up its disgraceful suppressive plots against the residents.

Since February 8, 2010 a number of MOIS agents were dispatched to Iraq and with the help of the Committee tasked to suppress Ashraf in the Iraqi Prime Minister’s Office were stationed at the entrance of Ashraf. Their goal is to psychologically torture and intimidate the residents and to further create chaos. From time to time they are replaced with new agents. Using high powered sound systems round the clock, they chant abuse and slogans such as "Death to Monafeqin (derogatory term used by mullahs against PMOI)" and "Long live the Islamic Republic". They threaten the camp residents with execution, massacre and burning.

The new group of MOIS agents are replacements for previous group which had left the area already. Previously the regime had dispatched a group of its agents from West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan, Kermanshah and Qazvin provinces to Ashraf. The agents were first debriefed in the MOIS headquarters in each of the provinces.

On March 30-31, the MOIS agents outside Ashraf chanted: “Your lives have come to an end. This is the end of Ashraf. This is the end of your lives. Prisoners of Ashraf, Your time is up, Ashraf’s time is up. Guns and bullets, like machineguns, hit the heads of Ashraf residents. Ashraf is finished. Monafeqin beware, the day of your destruction has begun. We have come here now to destroy your resting place.”

From Wednesday night until 4 am on Thursday, the agents used high-powered loudspeakers to chant slogans and abuse into Ashraf. They are disrupting the residents’ peace in large sections of Ashraf and have created a lot of problems for those resting in Ashraf’s hospital which is adjacent to the camp’s entrance. This is while yesterday several of the residents underwent surgery and are in critical condition.

The dispatching of more agents comes as the religious fascism ruling Iran is intensifying its attempts to neutralise the results of the Iraqi elections following its crushing defeat. Nouri al-Maliki is trying in vain through such appalling lip service to the mullahs to hold on to the post of Prime Minister. The Committee run by al-Maliki has ordered Iraqi forces in Ashraf to provide utmost assistance to the agents and provide them with all necessities in their temporary residence at the entrance of Ashraf. He has threatened that anyone who disobeys this order will face punishment.

The new disgraceful efforts by the mullahs’ regime takes place while the families who in recent years had travelled to Iraq independently and not as a part of MOIS organized tours and met with their relatives in Camp Ashraf have been arrested, imprisoned and tortured upon their return to Iran. Some of the detained families have been tried in the regime’s kangaroo courts and been sentence to long prison term or execution on the bogus charge of ‘Mohareb’, or enemy of God.

Unlike the years 2003-2008, since early 2009, when the security of Ashraf residents was handed over to the Iraqi forces, residents’ relatives have been prevented from entering the camp. Also a few who had managed to reach Ashraf from Iran or elsewhere with much hardship were turned back by the Iraqi forces. 

The Iranian Resistance brings to the attention of the United Nations Secretary General, UN Security Council, UNAMI, Secretary General’s Special Representative for Iraq and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to the joint plot of the mullahs’ regime and the Iraqi government against the residents of Ashraf which violates their basic human rights. It also calls on them to urgently intervene to end the psychological torture of the residents.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 1, 2010