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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertySiege on Camp Ashraf intensifies, entry of food and fuel prevented

Siege on Camp Ashraf intensifies, entry of food and fuel prevented

Camp AshrafSimultaneous with dispatch of intelligence agents, siege on Camp Ashraf intensifies, entry of food and fuel prevented

NCRI – While agents of the clerical regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security are being dispatched to Camp Ashraf under the cover of family members of Ashraf residents, the Iraqi committee responsible for suppression of the residents, under the instructions of Nouri al-Maliki, has intensified cruel and inhumane siege on Ashraf.

Sending the agents to Ashraf is part of the regime’s psychological war on the residents in order to increase pressure on them. This is combined with obstruction of entry of basic needs such as fuel and food stuff to Ashraf by the Iraqis as part of their siege on Ashraf. The residents are currently facing acute shortage of fuel.


In the past five months, following widespread international protests, the Iraqi committee only allowed fuel delivery to Ashraf once to cover one week’s fuel requirement of the Camp. Currently, a number of fuel tankers that had been paid for by the residents have been waiting for over two weeks to be allowed into the Camp.

In the meantime, the Iraqi forces have been obstructing consignments of rice, flower, hygiene materials and other basic needs from entering Ashraf since February 16.

The cruel siege on Ashraf that has been going on for over a year by the Iraqi government is a blatant violation of International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law and Geneva Conventions including Common Article Three of Geneva Conventions. Those responsible for the unlawful siege are liable for prosecution because of their violation of international treaties and law.

The Spanish National Court is prosecuting a number of Iraqi authorities for violating the Fourth Geneva Convention that offers protection to Ashraf residents, for killings of July 28 and 29, 2009 and for committing crimes against humanity. The case for the Iraqi authorities has already been opened and can be extended to those responsible for the siege.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary General, his Special Representative for Iraq, UN Assistance Mission for Iraq, US Ambassador and Commander of American forces in Iraq to take urgent steps to end the inhumane siege on Ashraf in particular the prohibition imposed on fuel and food deliveries.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 20, 2010