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Maryam Rajavi describes IAEA’s latest report a warning to world community, calls for sanctions

 Comprehensive sanctions against mullahs is first step, but the ultimate solution is to get rid of fundamentalists armed with nuclear bomb

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described the latest report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which expresses concern on the military dimensions of the Iranian regime’s nuclear projects, its activities related to nuclear warheads and detonators, nuclear explosion technology, persistent violations of resolutions by the UN Security Council and the IAEA’s Board of Governors against the activities on nuclear sites such as Qom, Natanz, Darkhovin and Arak, involvement of the regime’s military organs in nuclear projects, not responding to IAEA’s questions and imposing  restrictions on its operations, as a warning to the international community. She emphasized that all these call for a firm policy and reaction by the international community.

Mrs. Rajavi welcomed the new report and called for the release of all information on the regime’s nuclear projects away from any political consideration. She reiterated that the information used in the report were mainly those unveiled by the Iranian Resistance over the years, especially after 2003. But, she regretted, due to the policy of appeasement towards the Iranian regime, the mullahs were rewarded by concessions instead of sanctions and firmness, thus, providing the regime the time and resources needed to complete its nuclear projects. Many governments and relevant responsible international bodies, wittingly or unwittingly, tried to play down the scale of the regime’s nuclear projects or claimed that the regime had halted its activities on the military side.

President-elect of the Iranian Resistance said that the first urgent and essential step to prevent the mullahs from acquiring a nuclear bomb was to impose comprehensive arms, oil, technological and diplomatic sanctions on the regime. But, as this barbaric and faltering regime considers the nuclear weapons to be crucial for its survival, it will never abandon its nuclear projects. Therefore, the ultimate solution to rid the region and the world of the nightmare of fundamentalists armed with atomic bomb is democratic change in Iran by the Iranian people and their Resistance. The popular uprising throughout Iran in recent months has shown that this change is close at hand. Neutrality of the foreign governments, by failing to aid the regime politically and economically, and by removing barriers such as labeling the opposition as terrorist at the behest of the mullahs, would no doubt expedite the trend of this change, she noted.

Those who seek through the regime and its factions to deter the mullahs from obtaining nuclear weapons, establish democracy in Iran and peace and tranquility in the region, are doomed to fail and will only sow war and darkness in this region.

All paragraphs of the conclusion of the new report – the first since the departure of Mohamed ElBaradei – highlight the fact that the regime has not complied with its legal commitments, violated the resolutions of the UN Security Council and the Board of Governors of the IAEA and refused to allow the agency to discover the truths.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 19, 2010