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MEPs in solidarity with Iranian people’s uprising

Brussels- 4 February 2010. A meeting was held on Wednesday in the European Parliament by “Friends of a Free Iran” intergroup, which enjoys the support of over 100 Euro MPs from different political blocks, in solidarity with the current uprising of the Iranian people.Source: "Friends of a Free Iran" intergroup in the European Parliament
Brussels- 4 February 2010. A meeting was held on Wednesday in the European Parliament by “Friends of a Free Iran” intergroup, which enjoys the support of over 100 Euro MPs from different political blocks, in solidarity with the current uprising of the Iranian people.

Alejo Vidal-Quadras, a Vice-President of the European Parliament said: “The  announcement by Ebrahim Raeesi, First Deputy to the Iranian regime’s Judiciary, that nine more of those detained during the uprising “will be executed soon” underlines the need for urgent reaction against this  regime by the international community, in particular the European Union.  The trial of PMOI members and supporters charged as moharebs (which means at war with god) and their execution, reminds us of the terrorist label placed on them by the West in the absence of any judicial proceedings and at the behest of the Iranian regime. It took eight years and repeated court orders for the British and European versions of the mohareb label to be removed from the PMOI.”

Brussels- 4 February 2010. A meeting was held on Wednesday in the European Parliament by “Friends of a Free Iran” intergroup, which enjoys the support of over 100 Euro MPs from different political blocks, in solidarity with the current uprising of the Iranian people.Source: "Friends of a Free Iran" intergroup in the European Parliament
Brussels- 4 February 2010. A meeting was held on Wednesday in the European Parliament by “Friends of a Free Iran” intergroup, which enjoys the support of over 100 Euro MPs from different political blocks, in solidarity with the current uprising of the Iranian people.

Alejo Vidal-Quadras, a Vice-President of the European Parliament said: “The  announcement by Ebrahim Raeesi, First Deputy to the Iranian regime’s Judiciary, that nine more of those detained during the uprising “will be executed soon” underlines the need for urgent reaction against this  regime by the international community, in particular the European Union.  The trial of PMOI members and supporters charged as moharebs (which means at war with god) and their execution, reminds us of the terrorist label placed on them by the West in the absence of any judicial proceedings and at the behest of the Iranian regime. It took eight years and repeated court orders for the British and European versions of the mohareb label to be removed from the PMOI.”

Abolghassem Rezai, a senior opposition figure from the Iranian National Council of Resistance (NCRI) said: "It has become crystal clear that this religious dictatorship is absolutely unable to be reformed and is not prepared to give one inch of concession to the people. Any compromise and concession will speed up the overthrow of the regime. Moussavi and Karoubi, the two defeated candidates in the disputed presidential elections, are not willing to stand up to Khaemenei and are in fact trying to prevent the uprising to lead to a regime change. Khamenei and his faction are meanwhile turning their backs on them and are not willing to compromise at all.“ Rezai added: "Government officials have said that the Ashura uprising was the work of the PMOI. Previously the regime tried not to mention the name of the PMOI but it has now reached a point that they openly accuse the PMOI of leading the recent protests.”

Struan Stevenson, MEP and Chairman of the Friends of a Free Iran intergroup said:

"The West must recognise that the endless cat and mouse game being played by Ahmadinejad has now reached the end. Just as China and Russia were about to agree to tough new UN sanctions after failing to win any concessions from the mullahs on their nuclear programme, Ahmadinejad suddenly comes up with a compromise agreement to allow Iranian uranium to be enriched outside Iran.  He has calculated that this will sow the seeds of doubt in the minds of the pro-sanctions lobby and he is praying that they will once again opt for appeasement and more dialogue. If they do, it will simply buy Ahmadinejad more time to complete the construction of nuclear missiles with Israel and even Europe as his targets. The West must see through this charade and hit the mullahs hard with tough sanctions before it is too late to act. Europe should put human rights first and not money and the Americans must remove the PMOI from their terror list so that the fascist government in Tehran can no longer use this easy excuse as a reason for executing protesters."

Friends of a Free Iran
European Parliament