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Maryam Rajavi calls on Iranians to pay homage to those fell on Ashura uprising

Maryam RajaviNCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, president-elect of the Iranian Resistance in a message to the nation, broadcast by Iran National Television (INTV – Simay Azadi), called on them to honor those women and men who stood firm against the ruling criminals in Iran and sacrificed their lives for the cause people’s freedom. To mark their fortieth day of martyrdom, after Ashura uprising on December 27, she called on Iranians to go to their burial sites and lay flowers.

During the past 40 days, with mass arrests, more torture, kangaroo trials, forced confessions and other repressive measures, the regime tried to prevent the continuation of the uprising. Women and girls in prisons have been subjected to greater pressures, she added.

She described the execution of political prisoners charged with moharebeh (enmity against God) as the reflection of low morale of the faltering regime in face of the liberated forces of the society. If opposing the clerical regime is considered as being moharebeh, in that case all Iranians are mohareb (enemies of God) since they want the regime changed. But if the regime interprets the term moharebeh as indeed waging a war against God, then the most outstanding example of that is in fact the evil regime of the velayat-e faqih (absolute rule of clergy) that has trampled on all Godly and humane norms and is a shame on Islam, Iranian history and humanity, Rajavi said.

Mrs. Rajavi lauded the mothers of martyrs and prisoners as well as the courageous women who play the leading role in the forefront of the uprising and said that the Iranians will no doubt turn the day of honoring the martyrs of the Ashura uprising into yet another blow to the rule of velayat-e faqih and the uprising will continue until the final victory.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 4, 2010