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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsWhat is happening in Iran is a popular revolution

What is happening in Iran is a popular revolution

 Egyptian daily al-Ahram
By Nejat Abdolnaim in Paris
January 28, 2010
(Excerpts translated from Arabic)

Al-Ahram conducted an interview in Paris with Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the NCRI, about the analysis of the unrest in Iran and the consequences of the nuclear project and its threats for the region.

Question: Are we experiencing a new revolution or an inevitable coup against the state?

Answer: What is happening is not a coup d’état. We are experiencing a revolution and a popular uprising to obtain democracy, which has overcome all the tools of suppression and brutal domination.

Question: Clearly, the uprising of people in Iran can no longer be controlled, which has prompted [mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei to revive the death committee and create an atmosphere of fear. Can you tell us more about that?

Answer: The death committee dates back to 1988 when it commenced a massacre with an order from Khomeini. Now, Khamenei has given it new assignments for the purpose of curbing the uprising. Khamenei’s statements several days ago contained orders for the security and judiciary apparatus to be firm and decisively deal with internal protests. The committee is also tasked with eradicating political activists. Committee members have said that even throwing a stone against State Security Forces is deemed as act of war against God (Moharebeh), which carries the death sentence. As such, people from inside asked us for help and we saw a necessity in bringing the foreign media to the fold. That is why we decided to communicate this message and call for help from our people through the leading media group of al-Ahram which we have a high regard for when it comes to its unbiased positions and extraordinarily untainted coverage of the events in Iran. We hope to be able to prevent another massacre.

Question: If you are not prepared to accept the liberation of Iran by military force what expectations do you have from France and other powerful countries?

Answer: We are asking European countries including France to cease their economic, political and other relations with the Iranian regime … Until this moment, despite the firm position taken by France against the regime, such a stance has not matured to a level where it can cut its ties with the Iranian government.

Question: Iran claims that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. But some in the region consider that a threat and a destabilizing factor which could threaten their territorial integrity. How do you see it?

Answer: In 2002, the Iranian Resistance exposed the regime’s clandestine nuclear projects, the most important components of which were in the two cities of Natanz and Arak. The world was in the dark about these projects, even the CIA and Mossad. We obtained the information from our own specific sources inside Iran. We, the Iranian people, have no need for nuclear weapons. But the regime needs it to impose its hegemony over its zones of influence and to meddle in the region. It is also attempting to get its hands on a nuclear weapon in order to stay in power in Iran. Since the regime has no popularity among the people, it needs to rely on a nuclear weapon to advance its meddling and at the same time withstand international pressures. The regime has so far managed to reach a lot of Arabic countries and it is most unfortunate that due to the policy of appeasement and the great amounts of time awarded to it, the regime is now on the brink of obtaining a nuclear weapon. Now, the world is facing two options with regards to Iran: Either accept a nuclear-armed Iran, which will give way to an incredibly dangerous balance; Or, change the regime completely, an option that is now more accessible. It is now imperative for Arabic and European countries to stay neutral in their choice between the regime and the Iranian Resistance.

Question: Tehran blames the US and Israel for the assassination of the Iranian nuclear physicist Massoud Ali Mohammadi. What can you say about that?

Answer: The regime is used to blaming the US and Israel for everything, which is in and of itself a fabricated and ridiculous tale. But, we have specific information from inside the Iranian regime that indicates that the regime is hiding some aspects of this case. The facts show that the regime deliberately staged the event and pursues specific goals from it. Those close to the assassinated scientist Massoud Ali Mohammadi confirm that he told his students at the university many times about his intentions to leave Iran and that he is dissatisfied with the ruling regime and its policies. Perhaps this indicates that the regime is not completely innocent in the matter.

Question: Where do you stand regarding the Iranian opposition and do you recognize Mir Hossein Moussavi?

Answer: When the popular uprising began, our resistance declared on numerous occasions that to the degree that Mr. Moussavi stands against the principle of absolute clerical rule and to the degree that he distances himself from the regime and Khamenei, we welcome him. [The Iranian Resistance’s Leader] Mr. Massoud Rajavi has repeatedly warned against his arrest by the regime and has requested that the UN send a delegation to ensure his safety. We have said that we support all those forces that seek popular sovereignty, just as we recognize Mr. Moussavi as long as he stands in opposition to the velayat-e faqih (absolute clerical rule) regime in Iran.

Question: Is there any opening on the horizon with respect to a change in policy towards Iran?

Answer: The picture is now clearer. Six months ago everyone thought that the regime enjoys stability and power. But, all this was a deception propagated by the regime itself. What occurred on December 27, during the Ashura day commemorations, is rich in its meaning. It shows that the Iranian people oppose the regime in its entirety. This is a fact that raises its head through the slogans of “death to Khamenei” and down with the regime. All of the social sectors that have risen up against the regime are now participating in the protests.