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People’s protests and clashes with suppressive forces continue in various places in Tehran

NPeople’s protests and clashes with suppressive forces continue in various places in Tehran ationwide uprising – Ashura 3

NCRI – Clashes between people and suppressive forces still continue intensely in Tehran’s Imam Hossein Square. People are chanting anti-Khamenei slogans and compare him with Yazid, the tyrannical ruler who order Imam Hossein’s death about 1,400 years ago.

In southern Palestine and Vahid Nazari streets and Ashtiani alley young people are preventing suppressive forces from entering the area by setting fire to garbage containers.

Clashes continue in Enqelab Square. A number of people have been arrested. In one incident, people attacked Bassiji agents who were taking away a detained young man and got him loose.

In Ferdowsi street protests and clashes are going on with people chanting “This is the month of blood (ultimate struggle) – Yazid (reference to Khamenei) will be overthrown” and “Death to Khamenei”. Cars driving through streets from Tehran’s west to east are honking their horns in solidarity with protestors.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 26, 2009