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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestSuppressive measures intensify prior to Students Day major anti-regime demonstration

Suppressive measures intensify prior to Students Day major anti-regime demonstration

Suppressive measures intensify prior to Students Day major anti-regime demonstrationNCRI – As December 7, Students Day, approaches, the Iranian regime is using suppressive and preventive measures to counter protests planned for that day. Groups of Iranians, particularly students, have called for widespread protests against the regime to mark the day.

On November 29, the mullahs' regime announced that all schools and universities would be closed on Saturday, December 5. The regime claimed that the decision was made for "students' convenience to participate in Eid al-Ghadir (December 6) celebrations," but it is widely perceived by Iranians as a ploy to disrupt preparatory works for pre-announced Students Day demonstrations.

In the meantime, the Iranian telecommunications company, which is under complete control of the Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), has been sending random text messages to mobile phone users threatening that if they participated in illegal gatherings and contacted foreign media, would be punished according to mullahs' regime rules.

The Telecommunication Company has also sent out a directive to all its branches across the country to cut off internet and mobile phone lines on December 6 and 7. According to this directive, if protests continued, suspension of services must remain enforced.

Arrest of students and various forms of pressure on them, deploying suppressive forces and patrols equipment with intimidating outfits and tools specially around universities in Tehran and other cities, converting central streets into one way streets in order to have more control, conducting suppressive maneuvers, attacking family celebrations and gatherings of ordinary people, are among some of the regime's suppressive measures in the run up to Students Day to intensify the atmosphere of fear in the society.

These measures are ordered by the mullahs' Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to prevent a repeat of November 4 and "Quds Day" nationwide uprisings. As in previous occasions, the regime will be defeated in its intimidations by the people who have reached their limits and want the overthrow of this regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 3, 2009