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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestStudent protests against the Iranian regime continue in various cities across Iran

Student protests against the Iranian regime continue in various cities across Iran

KNTU protest, Nov. 10, 2009Nationwide uprising – Statement 203

NCRI – On Tuesday, November 10, 2009, students at the faculty of electrical engineering at the Khaje Nasir Toosi University marked their third day of protest over the arrest of two of their schoolmates.  Protestors expressed hatred and anger towards the clerical regime by chanting, “dictator shame on you, let go of my nation,” “students are awake and hate tyranny,” “students die but will not surrender,” “detained students must be freed,” “universities have turned into detention centers, Evin [prisn] has become a university [citing the high number of students being held there],” and “student Bassij is a spy nest.”

KNTU protest, Nov. 10, 2009Nationwide uprising – Statement 203

NCRI – On Tuesday, November 10, 2009, students at the faculty of electrical engineering at the Khaje Nasir Toosi University marked their third day of protest over the arrest of two of their schoolmates.  Protestors expressed hatred and anger towards the clerical regime by chanting, “dictator shame on you, let go of my nation,” “students are awake and hate tyranny,” “students die but will not surrender,” “detained students must be freed,” “universities have turned into detention centers, Evin [prisn] has become a university [citing the high number of students being held there],” and “student Bassij is a spy nest.”

Students at Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) also staged a protest on the seventh day of the detention of one of their colleagues who was arrested on November 4. They chanted, “victory is inevitable, death to this deceptive government,” and “death to dictator.”

In Shiraz, students at the school of agriculture at the University of Shiraz chanted “death to Khamenei,” referring to the regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, and staged a protest on November 7. They were angry over the arrest of 300 students and vicious attacks by paramilitary Bassij forces and plainclothes agents against students as well as the unclear status of detained protestors.

In the northwestern city of Tabriz, students at the Azad University staged a protest over the arrest of two of their classmates on November 4 by plainclothes agents. On November 8, University of Tabriz school of chemistry students protested over the death of a student who died due to a lack of proper medical care.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 10, 2009