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Listen and you can hear the chains of religious tyranny torn asunder

A man running away from the State Security Forces in an anti-regime protest in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday, Nov. 4, Shahriar Kia
The recent uprising of the Iranian people following sham elections in Iran, the formidable confrontation between the Iranian people and its Resistance on the one hand and the Iranian regime on the other, as well as the recent attacks against the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran aimed at destroying their camp in northern Iraq and extraditing its residents to Iran highlighted three major realities more than ever:

First – the simmering social conditions on the ground, which characterize the Iranian nation’s readiness for democratic change;

Second – the religious talisman of the Supreme Leader (Velayat-e Faqih) is broken and the regime is faltering apart as a result of its decision to get rid of all its rivals and to solidify its authority;

Third – Because of the crises they are facing, the ruling mullahs attempt to eradicate and obliterate the biggest menace to their regime, namely the Iranian Resistance, at every available opportunity.

Following recent developments and protests by the people of Iran against the entire entity of the Iranian regime, it became more evident that the regime is faltering apart, going through a phase of disintegration and defections. This is characteristic of the final stage of overthrowing this anachronistic regime. Recent elections and the subsequent political ‘surgery’ the Iranian regime carried out within the power structure should be considered as a turning point for the regime. Khamenei has purged his opponents and completed the plan he had started in 2005 by appointing Ahmadinejad as his regime’s president to solidify his rule. Such an internal power balance was unprecedented even during Khomeini’s reign as supreme leader. Therefore, today we face a regime that stands on a ’single leg’ and is totally disabled.

Of course, the main objective of Khamenei in this election was to pave the way to the acquisition of the nuclear bomb by closing up the gaps within the his ’fundamentalist front’ and getting ready for the looming attacks, counterattacks and crises.

In order to survive, the Iranian regime has set up its frontline in Baghdad and openly claims that Lebanon and Palestine constitute the ‘strategic depth’ of their rule. For this reason Iraq is the scene of a strategic confrontation between the Tehran regime against the international community in one hand and the Iranian people on the other. Without warmongering, crisis-making and the export of terrorism and fundamentalism, the mullahs’ regime has no place in Iran and will collapse. If the Velayat-e Faqih's regime decides, one day, to abandon its export of fundamentalism and terrorism to other countries and limit itself to the borders of Iran, it will lose its dynamism and will collapse from within. It is for this reason that peace in the Middle East and democracy in Iraq will hang the noose around the mullahs’ neck in Iran.

Khamenei tried to remove all the obstacles against implementation of his policies inside Iran and all over the region as well, and to enable the regime to forge ahead in its nuclear efforts, terrorism and warmongering policy in the region. The Iranian Resistance and the PMOI has been always his center of attention because it is an obstacle to export its religious fundamentalism in Iraq. All enmity towards the PMOI in Iraq is thus provoked by a regime that sees it as a bulwark stalling its belligerent efforts to dominate Iraq.

Throughout the year, and especially since the transfer of protection of the camp to the Iraqi authorities in January of 2009, the clerical regime resorted to every means to expel the PMOI from Iraq such as by using intimidation, blockading food, fuel and medicine, and by preventing the families of the residents and their attorneys to visit them in Ashraf, incessant psychological war, pressuring innocent families and relatives of Camp Ashraf residents in Iran, and finally 11 dead, 500 injured and 36 people abducted for 72 days in an attack planned and conducted by Iranian regime and its embassy in Baghdad on 28 and 29 of July. (that enumeration is too long; it should be shortened, or cut into various sentences)

On February 28, 2009 in a meeting with Iraq's President Jalal Talebani in Tehran, Iranian supreme leader asked the Iraqi government to implement the bilateral agreement between the two countries to dismantle Camp Ashraf and expel the its residents from Iraq. The motive behind such extensive measures against the PMOI members in Ashraf is a boundless fear from a resistance movement; a movement that has not been defeated despite all the forces and resources assigned to eliminate it.

Today, one can say with full confidence that absolutely nobody wants to expel the PMOI from Iraq except the Iranian regime and its agents and proxies. 5.2 million Iraqi people in July 2006, and 3 million Iraqi Shiite in July 2008, signed declarations in support of the PMOI and its presence in Iraq. The treatment of the Mujahedin in Ashraf has become a yardstick indicating the distance or closeness of each party to the Iranian regime. The future of Camp Ashraf will make clear whether the Iranian regime is indeed ruling in Iraq or whether western type democracy is in place.

The bravery of the 36 residents of Ashraf and the hunger strikers in the Camp as well as the widespread international support for Ashraf has dealt the Iranian regime a severe defeat in its attempts to crush the PMOI members in Ashraf. — From late July until the release of 36 hostages on October 7, 2009. But the Iranian regime's conspiracy for a human catastrophe in Ashraf has not been stopped yet, and that regime is putting pressure on the Iraqi government to forcibly displace the residents of camp Ashraf inside Iraq. This will pave the way for another brutal massacre – worst than that which has occurred in the camp on July 28 and 29. There is no doubt that the international humanitarian organizations and human rights defenders as well as the residents of Ashraf cannot and will not succumb to this show of force by their enemy, and to ruthless conspiracies. Justice will prevail over savagery. Listen and you can hear the chains of religious tyranny torn asunder!


This artile first appeared on Global Politician on Nov. 1, 2009