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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestSuppressive forces fire into air to disperse demonstrators in Shiraz

Suppressive forces fire into air to disperse demonstrators in Shiraz

Anti-government protests in Tehran, Nov. 4, 2009Nov. 4 nationwide uprising – Statement 9
NCRI – Despite harsh security measures in Shiraz today, people demonstrated against the regime and clashed with suppressive forces.

Demonstrators were attacked in Namazi and Eram squares by more than 50 security forces and masked motorcyclists. They tried to encircle protestors.

In Shiraz’s Pardis Square, students holding placards and chanting anti-government slogans were attacked by suppressive forces.  Angry protestors clashed with regime henchmen when plainclothes agents and mullahs’ intelligence ministry elements started filming and taking pictures of the crowd for identification. During these clashes, suppressive forces used firearms and beat and arrested the students. Over 20 arrests have been reported and many more injured and two have been reported in critical condition.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 4, 2009