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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestSuppressive forces clash with demonstrators in various parts of Tehran

Suppressive forces clash with demonstrators in various parts of Tehran

 Nov. 4 nationwide uprising – Statement 8

NCRI – According to the Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran, clashes between clerical regime’s forces and demonstrators in various parts of Tehran continued as this report was filed at 15:00 local time. People addressed their fellow citizens by chanting “Do not be afraid, do not be afraid, we are all together” and confronted suppressive forces. Several helicopters were hovering over Tehran.

Outside Tehran University and in Quds street, female students formed human chain in front of their fellow male students to prevent their arrests by suppressive forces. Students, in reference to crimes committed in regime’s jails, chanted, “Rape, crimes, death to Velayat (title used for Khamenei).

Polytechnic University student dormitory is surrounded by anti-riot forces and Revolutionary Guards. They attacked the building and smashed windows.

Revolutionary Guards clashed with and opened fire on demonstrators at the junction of Shariati and Mir-Damad to disperse them.

Tehran youth set fire to two trash bins at the junction of Jam and Mofateh Streets to counter regime’s henchmen.

Clashes erupted during demonstration in Vali Asr Square. Regime’s agents attacked, beat and injured protestors in Kargar Street and Keshavarz Boulevard.

At Enqelab Square and Enqelab Junction, mullahs’ Intelligant ministry agents were forced to take their cameras and leave the scene when they were identified by protesters.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 4, 2009