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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Families of political prisoners gather outside prosecutor office in Tehran

Iran: Families of political prisoners gather outside prosecutor office in Tehran

 NCRI – A group of families of political prisoners gathered outside the prosecutor’s office in Tehran this morning to protest against ongoing detention of their family members. They were also protesting against the authorities for not determining the status of the detainees. Journalists and women activists were attracted to the rally as the number of protestors grew.

The participants held out the names of their family members in detention and placards which read “Free political prisoners” and “Dismantle Kangaroo courts.”    

The suppressive State Security Forces were stationed in their vehicles nearby and the plainclothes agents patrolled the area on their motorcycles to prevent people from joining the rally.

In their closing statement, relatives of political prisoners warned that they would hold further protest gatherings and go on hunger strike if detention of their family members continued.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 28, 2009