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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestFamilies of detainees of uprisings gather outside Evin prison

Families of detainees of uprisings gather outside Evin prison

Evin PrisonIran Nationwide uprising – Statement 159

NCRI – Some 100 members of families of detainees of recent uprisings gathered outside Tehran’s notorious Evin prison on Tuesday at about 19:30 local time. They chanted ‘Allahu Akbar’ and ‘Death to dictator.’

Many participants in this gathering were from cities far away from the capital and they wanted to find out about the fate of their children and relatives. The gathering was held at the time of ‘iftar’, time to break the fast in the holy month of Ramadan. They were protesting against the intolerable state of the prison, lack of response to their enquiries into the state of the prisoners and their legal cases, and pressures on the prisoners to participate in the kangaroo courts.

The gathering took place while the suppressive forces were stationed outside the prison to stop the families gathering.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 8, 2009