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Iran: IAEA report confirms mullahs’ nuclear arms program, underlines need to impose sanctions

 New IAEA report confirms mullahs’ nuclear arms program, underlines need to impose comprehensive sanctions

NCRI – The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in its latest report highlighted the regime’ efforts to expand its nuclear weapons program, lack of cooperation with the agency’s inspectors and the ongoing deception. The report stresses that the regime refrains from cooperating with the Agency on military aspects of its nuclear program and the Agency has not been able to engage the regime in any substantive discussions about these outstanding issues for over a year.

Defying the implementation of the Additional Protocol, ongoing violation of the UN Security Council resolutions and guidelines set out by the Agency’s Board of Governance including suspension of uranium enrichment activities and withholding information on new projects such as Darkhovin nuclear plant have been referred to in the Agency’s latest report.

Commenting on the report, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, said that although it did not cover many aspects of the Iranian regime’s nuclear activities and numerous instances of infringements by the regime, but it clearly reflects the fact that the clerical regime ruling Iran does not intend in anyway to halt its nuclear weapons program. She reiterated that the regime has taken advantage of Western countries’ policy of engaging in negotiations and giving concessions to develop and complete its nuclear programs and efforts to acquire nuclear bomb.

Mrs. Rajavi added that in light of the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising and the incurable internal feuding and rifts which has reached the leadership of the regime, makes the mullahs more in need of acquiring nuclear bomb to save the regime.

Mrs. Rajavi recalled the dangers posed by the fundamentalist and terrorist mullahs armed with nuclear bomb to peace in the region and the whole world, and stressed that lack of attention by the international community, in particular the European Union and the United States, to the warnings of the Iranian Resistance against the regime’s nuclear program, has helped the regime to get so close to the nuclear bomb. She called on the United Nations Security Council to immediately adopt comprehensive military, diplomatic, technological and oil sanctions against the regime and warned about any delay in implementation of sanctions on the regime.

The Agency’s report states that the regime, rather than concentrating on the main issues regarding the military nature of its nuclear program "provided limited answers or simple denials in response to other questions".

This is while the Agency's documentations, "have been derived from multiple sources over different periods of time, appears to be generally consistent, and is sufficiently comprehensive and detailed that it needs to be” and the Agency insists on access to "persons, information, and locations identified" in these documents.

The report states that up to now the regime has not provided information with regards to the tests of the detonators with multi purpose non-civilian use and the role of a "Foreign national with explosives expertise, whose visit to Iran has been confirmed by the Agency".

According to the report the number of Iran's active centrifuges currently stands at 8,000 which show an increase of 1,000 in comparison with Agency’s June report.

The regime, based on the report, currently posses 1508 Kg enriched uranium, which is sufficient to produce enough highly enriched uranium for one nuclear warhead.

The report also refers to the regime's drive to acquire more advanced models of centrifuges, which has previously been exposed by the National Council of Resistance of Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 29, 2009