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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Detainees of uprising go on hunger strike in Evin prison

Iran: Detainees of uprising go on hunger strike in Evin prison

Evin PrisonNationwide uprising – Statement 151

Large number of  families of detainees go on hunger strike is support of detainees

NCRI – A large number of detainees of the nationwide uprising who have been under severe physical and psychological tortures have gone on hunger strike since Saturday, August15, in Ward 209 of Evin prison. They are protesting against violence and torture and demanding the authorities to determine their status.

A number of detainees of Ward 7 of Evin prison also joined the strike on Monday, August 17. Striking prisoners in this ward have written letters indicating that they have been subjected to pressures to admit to bogus and baseless charges that they have not committed.

Meanwhile, some 40 members of the families of detainees have gone on hunger strike in their support outside the prison. Some of the families have had no information about their children and relatives since they have been detained. Some of the families have gone on hunger strike despite their age and poor health.

In view of shocking crimes committed against the prisoners, a small part of which have been recently exposed by some former officials of the regime, the Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary General, Security Council, High Commissioner for Human Rights and other human rights organizations to condemn these crimes, arbitrary arrests, cruel detentions and barbaric tortures in Iran. It also calls for referral of the regimes dossier on systematic violations of human rights to the UN Security Council for adoption of binding measures.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 18, 2009