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Ashraf women residents attacked with tear gas, shots fired into the air, and 5 residents wounded

Ashraf women residents attacked with tear gas, shots fired into the air, and 5 residents wounded

Ashraf attacked – Statement 56

PMOI women prevent the theft of a truck owned by residents

NCRI – Iraqi suppressive forces, which have surrounded and occupied Camp Ashraf, have been looting and stealing resident-owned vehicles.

At about 18:00 local time today, Iraqi forces attacked women residents of Ashraf who sought to prevent them from stealing a truck. The forces used tear gas, fired bullets into the air, threw sonic and smoke grenades, and beat the women with sticks and stones. However, the brave women overcame the agents’ attacks and took possession of the vehicle, thus preventing it to fall into the hands of the clerical regime’s cronies.

One of the women, Fatemeh Jafari, was injured after being hit in her chest by a stone thrown by the Iraqi agents. Moreover, Mohammad Kangi, Faraj Afshar, Bahman Abedi, and Abdolreza Kalantar, who had come to the aid of these women under fire, were wounded as a result of the sonic and smoke grenades hurled by the killers of the Iranian people’s sons and daughters.

In the first two days of the agents’ attack, dozens of vehicles belonging to Ashraf residents, including 12 IFA trucks, 9 Jeep Land Cruisers, 2 Mitsubishi minibuses, 1 Land Cruiser, 1 Nissan Sedan, 2 water and fuel tankers, 1 crane,  1 truck, 1 bulldozer, and 3 loaders were stolen by the suppressive thieves.

Thus far, close to one hundred vehicles and various kinds of ambulances, IFA vehicles, cranes, and cars have been damaged by the agents and are no longer operational.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 31, 2009