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Iranian Resistance calls on the US forces to stop illegal and forceful entry of the Iraqi police int

Iraqi army and police have since January imposed a siege on the Camp AshrafNCRI – Yesterday, the Iraqi government spokesman, Ali Dabagh declared that; “The Iraqi government will take over the responsibility of internal security affairs of Camp Ashraf.” (Al-Hura television, July 27, 2009)

The Iranian Resistance concerned of the Iraqi police's intention of a forceful and illegal entry into the Ashraf Camp sent letters to President Obama, the US ambassador to Iraq, the UN Secretary General and other relevant international bodies, calls on the US forces to step in and prevent the Iraqi forces from entering the camp and stop a human catastrophe in the making. Following are excerpts from the letters:

In view of the fact that the Iraqi army and police since the beginning of 2009 have had the Camp under their siege and that there have been no security issues in the Camp, Dabagh's remarks clearly demonstrate the intention of a forceful and illegal entry of the police into the Camp in a bid to suppress its residents and please mullahs’ ruling Iran.

On February 28, 2009, Ali Khamenei, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, in a meeting with the Iraqi President spoke about a bilateral agreement with the Iraqi government to suppress and expel Ashraf residents, members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the main Iranian opposition. In this meeting, he called on Iraqi government to implement their agreement.

It is evident that the religious dictatorship ruling Iran intends to export its crimes against humanity and suppression of its opposition from streets of Iran to Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

In view of deep concerns of the families of Ashraf residents and the Iranian community who closely monitor the developments regarding security of Ashraf and responsibility of US forces in this respect, and also in light of the US forces agreement with Ashraf residents after the disarmament agreement which was  in exchange for a guarantee of their security;

In view of the European Parliament resolution, April 24, 2009, on the humanitarian situation of Camp Ashraf residents and warnings issued by Amnesty International and the French International Federation of Human Rights;

And in view of the letters by 8,500 lawyers and jurists and more than 2,000 parliamentarians in Europe and North America on this matter;

In an attempt to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe, the National Council of Resistance of Iran calls on you to urge the American forces to prevent entry of Iraqi forces into Camp Ashraf and call on the Iraqi government to respect international law and avoid forced entry of the police into Ashraf which would undoubtedly pave the way for subsequent plots by the Iranian regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 28, 2009