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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Suppressive forces clash with demonstrators around Tehran University

Iran: Suppressive forces clash with demonstrators around Tehran University

National Council of Resistance of IranNCRI – Intense clashes between suppressive forces and demonstrators are taking place in Tehran between Vali Asr junction and Enghelab Square, according to the Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The Revolutionary Guards, anti-riot forces, State Security Forces and plainclothes agents are attacking people with batons and lashes.

A massive crowd has filled Kargar Shomali, Behboudi, Vesal-e Shirazi, Palestine, Italia, Navab and Qods streets and Keshavarz Boulevard. Demonstrators have been marching toward Azadi Square. The crowd, mainly young people, were marching toward Tehran University and the University complex. Nearby streets were packed with people. Women and girls who form a large proportion of the crowd are courageously present in all parts of the massive protest.

At 15:00, protestors chanted “Death to dictator” and “Leaders, provide us with arms” outside the Sharif Industrial University.

At 15:30, agents of the anti-riot force fired into the air in Enghelab Street where demonstrators were chanting “Independence and freedom are the cry of every Iranian.”

Suppressive forces prevent anyone from taking photographs or filming in the area.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 17, 2009