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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Thousands of protestors rally in large parts of Tehran, clash with...

Iran: Thousands of protestors rally in large parts of Tehran, clash with suppressive forces

National Council of Resistance of IranJuly 9 uprising – statement 6

NCRI – Thousands of residents of Tehran are marching from Imam Hossein Square, eastern Tehran, towards Azadi Square, western Tehran, and others are moving from other locations towards Enghelab Square, according to the Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). Brave young people are clashing with suppressive forces on the route to Enghelab Square.

Many young people are resisting barbaric attacks by anti-riot forces and Revolutionary Guards outside the University of Tehran.

People are chanting “death to the dictator” in Enghelab Square, as Revolutionary Guards fire tear gas to force them to disperse.

In Vali Asr Square people are jeering the Revolutionary Guards who are savagely charging against them. They are marching toward Ferdowsi Square.

In Ferdowsi Square people are chanting ‘I will kill whoever killed my brother’ and ‘Death to the dictator.’ They are marching toward Enghelab Square.

On Hafez Bridge, people who are marching toward Enghelab Square have caused a traffic jam.

In Vanak Square, clashes are currently taking place between people and the suppressive forces (7:00pm local time).

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 9, 2009