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UN-supervised free election based on people’s will for Iran – Norwegian committee

UN-supervised free election based on people's will for Iran - Norwegian committeeNCRI – In a statement on June 25, the Norwegian Committee of the Friends of a Free Iran comprised of parliamentarians and political and human rights personalities expresses support for Iranian people’s uprising and rejects mullahs’ sham election. It also calls for a UN- supervised free election based on people's will and not the rule of the clergy. The statement follows:

We, in the Friends of a Free Iran Committee – Norway state our support for the Iranian people's uprising across the country, chanting "Down with dictator" and seeking a regime change and establishment of democracy in Iran. We also declare our sympathy with the families of those who were killed, injured or arrested in this uprising.

We recall:

1. Nationwide uprising of the people of Iran illustrated the volatile state of the Iranian society and demand of near unanimous majority of the people for democracy. This uprising and widespread support for it by the Iranians in exile shows that unlike what was publicized, this regime posses neither popular support nor stability.

2. Brutal crackdown on the people's uprising in Tehran and other cities of Iran which reached a climax on June 20 has left more than 200 killed and thousands of wounded and arrested in the first ten days. On June 20, the world was shocked by watching the final moments of a young girl, Neda, who was shot dead by the security forces in North Tehran. Today the Iranian people as well as the alert conscience of the world expect a firm reaction by the western countries, toward the barbaric actions of the religious fascism ruling Iran.

3. Massacre of the defenseless protestors clearly demonstrates the frantic hostility of this regime toward its opponents.
4. We urge the government of Norway and the UN Security Council to:

a. Reject Iran's sham election and re-appointment of Ahmadinejad, and to force the regime to accept a free UN- supervised election based on people's will and not the rule of the Supreme Religious Leader;
b. Suspend all political and diplomatic ties with the mullahs’ regime until the suppression is completely stopped;
c. Impose a trade, diplomatic, arms and technology embargo on the regime and a foreign travel ban on its high officials;
d. Call on the UN Security Council to refer the crimes committed by the regime's officials in particular Khamenei, to an international tribunal

Lars Rise
Friends of a Free Iran – Norway

Morten Hoglund
Member of the Foreign affairs committee
Norwegian Parliament

Bjorn Jacobsen
Member of the Enlarged Committee of Foreign Affairs
Norwegian Parliament