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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsIran: Suppressive forces opt to prevent crowd formation in Tehran

Iran: Suppressive forces opt to prevent crowd formation in Tehran

Anti-government protest in Iran - June 20, 2009The Iranian regime is attempting to disperse a gathering of people in Laleh Park. At around 19:30 local time, the Iranian regime’s plain-clothes agents, State Security Forces (SSF) and special units tried moved to disperse the protestors who were mourning the loss of their loved ones at the hands of the clerical regime’s suppressive forces during the nationwide uprising.

The park itself has been surrounded by SSF, special units and other regime agents on motorbikes. In streets leading to Kargar Shomali Street, special units and SSF agents have been positioned and armed with various equipments to clamp down on protests.

Inside the park, the regime’s forces (including bikers, plain-clothes agents and SSF) are patrolling the area, preventing anyone to stand in one spot. People with cell phones are searched and questioned by SSF and plain-clothes agents.

SSF vehicles are parked at Keshavarz Boulevard at the Hejab intersection heading towards Kargar Street and Amirabad. Also parked at Keshavarz Boulevard are Volks Wagons of the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), equipped with cameras and other equipment, meant to secretly monitor and film people.

Women, young and old, and youth are walking around the area, hoping to find an opportunity to form a crowd or gathering. Heavy traffic has gripped Keshavarz Boulevard and Amirabad Street as a result of the presence of a slew of suppressive forces.

Plain-clothes agents and special units have also been stationed in other parts of Tehran, including Enghelab Square, Ferdowsi Square, Haft-e Tir Square and Vali-e Asr Sqare.