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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestUprising in Babol, Babolsar, Amol, Qazvin, Ahwaz and Bandar Abbas

Uprising in Babol, Babolsar, Amol, Qazvin, Ahwaz and Bandar Abbas

NCRINationwide Uprising in Iran- Statement 15
Uprising by youths and students in Babol, Babolsar, Amol, Qazvin, Ahwaz and Bandar Abbas
NCRI – Some 3,000 students and locals protested in Babol late on Monday. The protest began at 9:00 pm and continued until after the midnight. Many banks and government buildings were seriously damaged. Agents of the State Security Force (SSF) and special anti-riot forces, and plainclothes agents attacked the demonstrators and arrested a number of the students. Suppressive forces used water cannons to disperse the crowd. A number of motorcycles belonging to the suppressive forces were set on fire. At least 100 people have in recent days been arrested in Babol, Amol and Babolsar.

Students of Qazvin University and other young people protested in various streets in Qazvin, chanting "death to the dictator". Suppressive security forces attacked the demonstrators but encountered resistance. A number of banks and state owned automobiles were seriously damaged in these confrontations.

Ahwaz also witnessed day-long protests and confrontations between students and youths and the suppressive forces.

Some 10,000 people rallied in Bandar Abbas in the afternoon on Monday. Despite the presence of security forces, Resalat Avenue was crowded with demonstrators who were chanting anti-government slogans.  They chanted "death to the dictator, be it Shah or the doctor (a reference to Ahmadinejad)".

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 16, 2009