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Iran: “Detailed report on the activities of the wealth and power mafia” (Part-3)

From left: Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, RafsanjaniNCRI- On Tuesday, the state-run Fars news agency published a “Detailed report of the activities of the wealth and power mafia.” The report exposed parts of astronomical plunders of Hashemi Rafsanjani, former president of mullahs’ regime, and his family that were named as “the wealth and power mafia.”

The following is the part three of the report published by Fars News Agency, June 9, 2009:

The wealth and power mafia uses its influence in municipal office

Following an application to the municipal office for sale license by Ms Farzin, owner of a tract of garden of 2270 square meters which is located adjacent to Jamshidieh Park, the license was not issued due to a joint conspiracy of Mr Ali Hashemi (Nephew of Mr Hashemi Rafsanjani) and Karbaschi (Mayor of Tehran at the time).

The excuse for not issuing the license was an expansion plan for Jamshidieh Park. The owner was pressurized, threatened and intimidated by the municipality and Ali Hashemi as the representative of the municipality purchased the garden at the name of his wife, Maryam Hashemi Nejad Kashkooyi, for a very reduced price of 90,000,000 Tomans.

Few months later, having removed the sale obstacles as well as the elements which reduced the price, he sold the garden for 1,900,000,000 Rials. Ali Hashemi paid 350,000,000 Rials bribe to Karbaschi (Mayor of Tehran at the time) to annul the magnificent plan for the expansion of Jamshidieh Park which could encompass the above garden and hence did not allow its sale, and also to cease the plan for widening of Jamshidieh Road which could encompass 500 meter of the above garden for water way.

Such wrong economical policies of the so called Construction government (Under Hashemi Rafsanjani as the president) has brought harmful consequences to the country including the class difference and the gap between the rich and the poor. Regretfully, during these years, this gap has reached 70 to 1. As such, while a rich person earned 700,000 Rial, a poor person earned 10,000 Rials.

Creation trend of wealth and power mafia

As mentioned above, a very complicated mafia has been created in Iran and the dynasty of Mr Hashemi Rafsanjani play a very important and worthy role in its leadership. In this article, we will review the trend of the creation of this Mafia network.

Emergency conditions during the war with Iraq had created a situation in which the government monopolized the economy. Thus, when the war ended and the emergency conditions ceased, privatization of the economy was brought to the attentions. The new conditions in the field of economy provided some government managers as well as families of a number of officials with economical privileges. Amongst all, dynasty of Mr Hashemi Rafsanjani was the one which, for various reasons, enjoyed the privileges most. However, this was not the end. Rather it was just the beginning. Those who enjoyed privileges in the fields of power and politics combined together and as a result, mafia network known as Kargozaran emerged.

Having spent few golden years, this party aimed at legalizing as well as maintenance of these privileges. Thus they decided, on one hand, to safeguard their active and prominent presence in the law making centers and on the other hand, to maintain Mr Hashemi as the president and they thought this would bring them more shinning days in future.

Announcement of the Kargozaran-e Sazandegi Party at the 5th run of the parliamentary elections aimed at materializing the described objectives. Failure to obtain its desires in both mentioned fields, made the wealth and power mafia bring about new conditions which did not fit their political circumstances. At present, having lost their foot hold on some privilege making centres, this mafia trend finds its existence as well as its gaining wealth and expansion of power threatened. Hence, by bringing Mr Hashemi to the scene, it aims at victimizing him in return for protecting its interests.