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Iran: “Detailed report on the activities of the wealth and power mafia” (Part-1)

Photo: Hashemi Rafsanjani on the cover of Forbes magazine, July 2003NCRI- On Tuesday, the state-run Fars news agency published a “Detailed report of the activities of the wealth and power mafia.” The report exposed parts of astronomical plunders of Hashemi Rafsanjani, former president of mullahs’ regime, and his family that were named as “the wealth and power mafia.”

The latest revelations, by the news agency that is affiliated to the Iranian regime’s Revolutioanry Guard Corps (IRGC) and is close to mullahs Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s faction,  take place in the course of heightening internal feuding within the clerical regime in the run up to the regime’s presidential election.

The following is the first part of the report published by Fars News Agency, June 9, 2009:


Detailed report of the activities of the wealth and power Mafia reads as follows:

We are addressing our noble and beloved people that the 10th presidential election is a turning point and a determining moment in our beloved country, Iran.

On one hand, success of the so called the mafia (The Kargozaran-e Sazandegi Party officials and the dynasty of Mr Hashemi) can take the country backward and threaten our national interest. On the opposite, their failure can give promises of hope for a better future, particularly for the youth.

Accordingly, with a sense of duty and with an aim of protecting our national interest, we attempted to bring to your attention a revealing report, particularly on the so called power thirsty Eminances and the wealth and power mafia (dynasty of Mr Hashemi Rafsanjani). We hope that we could play a small part in preventing from the creation of monopoly by notifying the people about the threat of this disgraceful and deadly tumor.

Mafia is the term used to describe highly influential groups which work hiddenly and acts like an octapos which controls the country's networks of finance, trade and industry.

Mafia groups incessantly intend to gain wealth. In order to gain and to hold on to the wealth, they necessarily need to have power as well. Mafia with its infinite wealth, through supporting some politicians, first, it attempts to impose its will on them. As such, the wealth network will enjoy the backing of the politicians.

If these horrific and horrendous groups do not face any obstacles on their way, they will attempt to climb the ladder of power in order to accelerate the process of gaining and preserving their wealth on one hand, and to create a multi layer impenetrable immunity for them on the other.

Mafia groups that are also described as "Shadow cabinet" will do everything to reach their targets and to obtain their objectives. Threatening and blackmail, insult and attacking people's dignity, as well as physical elimination are some methods used by Mafia in confronting with their rivals and for removing any obstacle on their way.

Iran is no exception. Over the past few years and particularly in the years following the war between Iran and Iraq, an extremely large mafia has come to existence in our country which seeks to gain wealth and expand its power through enjoying numerous governmental privileges. The so called Kargozaran-e Sazandegi Party circle and dynasty of Mr Hashemi Rafsanjani is a clear example of this mafia network. In these series of articles, we will try to introduce them and mention their activities under two separate titles of "power thirsty eminances" and "wealth and power mafia".

The "power thirsty eminances", the first article of which has been published, deals with introducing the elements of the Kargozaran-e Sazandegi Party officials as well as their mafia activities. The "Wealth and power mafia" will expose the Hashemi Rafsanjani dynasty. We hope that our loved people and particularly our young generation will like it.\

Enforcing power to turn the environmental lands to Villas

In 2001, through enforcing his influence and power, Mr Mohammad Hashemi, Mr Hashemi Rafsanjani's brother, took possession of several hectares of land which belonged to the National Resources Lands, number 24, named as Lalan, located in the town of Shemiranat (In Fasham)[Northern Tehran].

1. Director of the National Resources Lands in Tehran Province, Gholam-Abas Abdi-Nejad wrote in the letter 67/11697 to the Notary Office 539 in Tehran, dated 16 July 2004, requesting them to register and confirm the transfer of 12450 square meters of the lands belonging to the National Resources Land, number 24, named as Lalan, to Mr Mohammad Hashemi, in accordance with the license 2321/5, dated 28 May 2001, issued by the Head of National Organisation of Forests and Pastures. Before the above document's transfer to Mr Mohammad Hashemi was completed, he took action to sell or to make fake contracts for transferring some parts of the land to his close relatives.

2. Prior to the above measures in item 1, Mohammad Hashemi established 'Kosar-e-Pars' Company, registered with number 202662, at the name of Hamidreza Nazari, his brother-in-law, born in 1966, birth certificate number 1342. He registered 492295 squared meters of the above lands, numbered as minor 1066 and major 24, at the name of this company.

3. The Cultural Complex of 'Revealers' which belongs to Mohammad Hashemi, sold a tract of land from the land number major 24, Lalan (In Fasham), of 562 squared meters to a lady named as Tahereh Golkar.

It is noteworthy that Mr Mohammad Hashemi has built two cottage complexes named as Fadak and Reyhaneh in a part of the lands which he took possession of. So far, around 18 units of the cottages have become ready and been sold each for 2,800,000,000 to 3,000,000,000 Rials (285,947 to 306,372 US Dollars). The agency which is responsible for Units' sale has made the following note: "At present, there are 18 separate units of Villa houses measured as 150 to 350 square meters in foundation and 400 to 2250 square meters in surface. Each unit has a separate heating centre, custodianship, two water supply pipelines, one power line and a telephone extension. The complex also has private security and a private road.

To be continued

Photo: Hashemi Rafsanjani on the cover of Forbes magazine, July 2003