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Iran: A turning point in mullahs’ escalating internal feuding – Maryam Rajavi

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described Wednesday‘s television debate between mullahs’ president Ahmadinejad and Mir-Hossein Moussavi, a presidential candidate and a former prime minister, where the mullahs’ secrets were revealed, as a turning point in the regime’s escalating internal feuding and a devastating blow to its entirety. Whoever comes out of ballot boxes is doomed to suffer from its scathing and broad consequences, she reiterated. NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described Wednesday‘s television debate between mullahs’ president Ahmadinejad and Mir-Hossein Moussavi, a presidential candidate and a former prime minister, where the mullahs’ secrets were revealed, as a turning point in the regime’s escalating internal feuding and a devastating blow to its entirety. Whoever comes out of ballot boxes is doomed to suffer from its scathing and broad consequences, she reiterated.

Immediate reaction by Hashemi Rafsanjani, former president and the head of the regime’s Expediency Council, to the debate and his call to respond on television to charges made there against him is the unraveling outcome of the debate.

Mrs. Rajavi added that the escalation of infighting and uncovering of internal secrets of the regime have deeply worried mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. He allowed the debate between the candidates – approved by him personally – in a bid to warm up the already boycotted sham election. This was a miscalculation and a clumsy imitation of election campaigns in other countries. For the medieval regime with no capacity for such debates, the Wednesday’s event was a blow to its entirety before benefiting one or the other candidate. 

Fearful of the surfacing scandalous secrets of the regime, Khamenei came on stage the following day to pull the reins and control the crisis. Warning the leaders of the regime, he said: “Do not let the firm structure of the regime break down. If it does, then no wound will be healed and the ruins will not be mended. We have to take care of the strong structure of the Islamic system as Imam [Khomeini] taught us…We should not allow confrontation, arguments or conflicts [among ourselves]. You must be careful. If you noted that someone is insisting on causing chaos and conflict, be aware that he is either a traitor or extremely ignorant.”

Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that Ahmadinejad-Moussavi debate only unveiled a small part of the crisis, decadence and corruption within the regime, its plunder of the nations’ wealth and its role in terrorism. According to some people within the regime, in this unbridled power struggle the parties involved in the debate uncovered the kind of things which were only exposed previously by the Iranian Resistance.

In the meantime, the evolving consolidation of the clerical dictatorship has led to polarization within Khamenei’s faction in mullahs’ parliament and traditional groupings there and various bodies in the regime. So far, the grouping known as Association of Clergy and leading figures in Khamenei’s faction such as Ali Larijani, Speaker of the parliament; Ahmad Tavakoli, Mohammad Reza Bahonar and Haddad Adel, former Speaker of the parliament; have refrained from rendering public support to Ahmadinejad. This is while they know full well that Khamenei is pressing hard and engineering for maximum rigging in order to bring out Ahmadinejad from the ballot box.

Mrs. Rajavi also recalled the Iranian Resistance’s revelations 22 years ago regarding the mullahs’ terrorist plot to bomb Mecca and set fire to the holy shrine. The Resistance provided detailed information and the names of people involved in that heinous and unforgiveable crime that the regime persistently attributed to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). But, in the course of the regime’s internal feuding, Ahmadinejad reminded Moussavi that it was under his government that explosives and the agents with a terrorist plan left Tehran Airport to Saudi Arabia. This was in response to Moussavi when he mentioned about Ahmadinejad sending missiles to Gaza.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 5, 2009