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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIranian exiles: "The Iraqi government must respect the European Parliament resolution"

Iranian exiles: “The Iraqi government must respect the European Parliament resolution”

London demonstration against restrictions imposed on residents of Camp Ashraf. Iranian exiles in various countries around the world called on the Iraqi government to respect a resolution recently passed by the European Parliament. NCRI – In their seventh straight week of demonstrations against restrictions imposed on residents of Camp Ashraf, Iranian exiles in various countries around the world called on the Iraqi government to respect a resolution recently passed by the European Parliament. Located in northeastern Iraq, Camp Ashraf (or Ashraf City) is home to about 3,500 members of the main Iranian opposition, People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

The European Parliament adopted a resolution in its April 24 plenary session in Strasbourg urging the government of Iraq to acknowledge the rights of Iranian opposition members residing in Camp Ashraf in accordance with international conventions. The parliamentary text also urged that government to end the siege on Ashraf City.

London demonstration against restrictions imposed on residents of Camp Ashraf. Iranian exiles in various countries around the world called on the Iraqi government to respect a resolution recently passed by the European Parliament. NCRI – In their seventh straight week of demonstrations against restrictions imposed on residents of Camp Ashraf, Iranian exiles in various countries around the world called on the Iraqi government to respect a resolution recently passed by the European Parliament. Located in northeastern Iraq, Camp Ashraf (or Ashraf City) is home to about 3,500 members of the main Iranian opposition, People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

The European Parliament adopted a resolution in its April 24 plenary session in Strasbourg urging the government of Iraq to acknowledge the rights of Iranian opposition members residing in Camp Ashraf in accordance with international conventions. The parliamentary text also urged that government to end the siege on Ashraf City.

Iranian demonstrators, among them relatives of Ashraf residents, are continuing their demonstrations in London, Washington, Paris and Ottawa.

On the 43rd day of protests in London in support of the rights of Ashraf residents, protestors gathered across from the Iraqi embassy while holding placards saying: “Government of Iraq: Respect the European Parliament resolution,” and “Government of Iraq: Respect the Geneva Conventions.” Also in London, the formation of the Committee in Defense of Ashraf (UK branch) was announced.

Ms. Elizabeth Sidney, Chair of the International Federation of Women against Fundamentalism and for Equality, spoke at London’s gathering, saying, “The international community has asked the Iraqi government to acknowledge the rights of Ashraf residents in accordance with international law.”

In Ottawa, Canada, Iranians gathered across from the Iraqi embassy, marking their 89th day of demonstrations. Participants chanted slogans calling on the government of Iraq to respect the articles of the EP resolution.

In Washington, Iranians also marked their 89th day of protests in front of the White House. They called on the American government to take steps to accept responsibility for the protection of Ashraf and also guarantee the rights of its residents in accordance with international law and EP resolutions. They staged a similar gathering across from the Iraqi embassy in the US.

At the Paris demonstrations across from the Iraqi embassy in France, Abolghassem Rezai, Deputy Secretary of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), spoke to protestors highlighting the recent EP resolution calling for the protection and rights of Ashraf residents to be ensured. He said: With the adoption of this resolution, the global campaign to ensure respect for the rights of PMOI members in Ashraf has entered a new stage. The ruling mullahs in Iran did their utmost to prevent the passing of this resolution or to at least tilt it in their own favor. However, they were faced with yet another miserable defeat.

This resolution is another authoritative testament to the fact that the rights of Ashraf residents as ‘protected persons’ under the Geneva Conventions and international law cannot be violated, Rezai added.

The demonstrators stressed that they will continue with their protests until such time that their legal demands have been met and the protection of Ashraf City has been guaranteed.

Iranian demonstrators, among them relatives of Ashraf residents, are continuing their demonstrations in London, Washington, Paris and Ottawa.

On the 43rd day of protests in London in support of the rights of Ashraf residents, protestors gathered across from the Iraqi embassy while holding placards saying: “Government of Iraq: Respect the European Parliament resolution,” and “Government of Iraq: Respect the Geneva Conventions.” Also in London, the formation of the Committee in Defense of Ashraf (UK branch) was announced.

Ms. Elizabeth Sidney, Chair of the International Federation of Women against Fundamentalism and for Equality, spoke at London’s gathering, saying, “The international community has asked the Iraqi government to acknowledge the rights of Ashraf residents in accordance with international law.”

In Ottawa, Canada, Iranians gathered across from the Iraqi embassy, marking their 89th day of demonstrations. Participants chanted slogans calling on the government of Iraq to respect the articles of the EP resolution.

In Washington, Iranians also marked their 89th day of protests in front of the White House. They called on the American government to take steps to accept responsibility for the protection of Ashraf and also guarantee the rights of its residents in accordance with international law and EP resolutions. They staged a similar gathering across from the Iraqi embassy in the US.

At the Paris demonstrations across from the Iraqi embassy in France, Abolghassem Rezai, Deputy Secretary of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), spoke to protestors highlighting the recent EP resolution calling for the protection and rights of Ashraf residents to be ensured. He said: With the adoption of this resolution, the global campaign to ensure respect for the rights of PMOI members in Ashraf has entered a new stage. The ruling mullahs in Iran did their utmost to prevent the passing of this resolution or to at least tilt it in their own favor. However, they were faced with yet another miserable defeat.

This resolution is another authoritative testament to the fact that the rights of Ashraf residents as ‘protected persons’ under the Geneva Conventions and international law cannot be violated, Rezai added.

The demonstrators stressed that they will continue with their protests until such time that their legal demands have been met and the protection of Ashraf City has been guaranteed.