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Iran-GCC: Gulf states express concern over mullahs’ ambitions

Shahab long range missile on parade in IranNCRI – Regional security issues and the role of NATO in enhancing security in the Gulf region was debated in a conference in Doha on Sunday, November 27.

Reporting the event, the Kuwaiti news agency, KUNA, quoted Abdulrahman Al-Attiyah, Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) as saying to the conferees that the issue of Iran and the Gulf was a current priority because it was directly linked to regional security.

Al-Attiyah asserted the nuclear weapons in the region would trigger an unjustified nuclear race thus undermine mutual confidence. The GCC chief called on Iran to help the political process in Iraq, voicing concern on Iran’s regional ambitions.

In the meantime, the mullahs’ Revolutionary Guards Corps (RGC) commander declared that Iran was exporting its Islamic revolution to other Muslim countries including Iraq which would inevitably bring about the downfall of the United States in the Middle East.

The state-run dailies on Monday quoted his remarks as speaking at a gathering of the RGC’s Navy commanders on Sunday saying, “The Bassij (paramilitary) force was formed on the orders of the Imam [Ayatollah Khomeini] following the take over of the American spies’ den [U.S. embassy in Tehran] on November 4, 1979 and the capture of the spies of that country to fight any possible threat from the enemies.”

Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi reiterated: “The United States tried with all its might to contain the Iranian people’s Islamic revolution within the geographical boundaries of Iran and stop the export of the revolution. But, the activities in Lebanon, Palestine, and today in Iraq, as well as Islamic and freedom-seeking nations of the world proved the opposite.”