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HomeStatementsStatements: NuclearIranian Resistance urges Munich conference to adopt a firm policy toward mullahs

Iranian Resistance urges Munich conference to adopt a firm policy toward mullahs

Iranian Resistance urges Munich conference to adopt a firm policy toward mullahsThe Iranian Resistance urges the Munich Conference to take serious and immediate actions to confront Iran's nuclear weapons project and its growing meddling in the region

NCRI – While reiterating that the religious fascism ruling Iran is the biggest threat to the regional and international peace and security, the Iranian Resistance urges the Munich Conference to take serious and immediate actions to confront Iran's nuclear weapons project and its growing meddling in the region from Iraq to Lebanon, and Afghanistan.

The Iranian Resistance condemns the participation of Ali Larijani, Speaker of the mullahs' Parliament (Majlis), in this conference emphasizing that attendance of the clerical regime’s representatives in such conferences only emboldens it in export of terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism.

Ali Larijani has played a major role in buying time for the mullahs' nuclear program and has constantly insisted on defying the UN Security Council resolutions on the regime’s nuclear program. Inviting Larijani to a conference scheduled to discuss prevention of proliferation of the WMD is analogous to putting foxes in charge of protecting the chicken coop. To expect such an invitation to be significant in stopping Tehran from pursuing its nuclear ambitions is futile.
The religious dictatorship ruling Iran is overwhelmed by political and economic crises. It is desperately trying to survive by plundering Iranian people's oil revenues and spending it on repression at home, export of terrorism abroad and pursuing its nuclear weapons.

The illusion in the past six years that by offering incentive packages to Tehran it would in return give up the drive for obtaining nuclear weapons, a key element for its existence, only helped it to get much closer to the bomb. It also put the world on the brink of an unprecedented crisis. The international community cannot afford losing any more time.

Such gathering as Munich which is designed for the prevention of proliferation of WMDs could only be effective if it insisted on the need for a firm policy by the UN Security Council vis-à-vis the Iranian regime. A policy that includes comprehensive military, technological, diplomatic, and oil sanctions on Tehran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 4, 2009