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Mullahs demolishe the most important proof of the 1988 massacre

Mullahs demolishe the most important proof of the 1988 massacreNCRI – According to credible reports, the inhumane mullahs’ regime is planning to demolish the Khavaran cemetery in eastern Tehran under the banner of “transforming Khavaran into a park project.” As such, it wants to destroy the most important proof left from the criminal massacre of more than 30,000 political prisoners in 1988. Eye witness reports indicate that the regime’s agents are already plowing the cemetery and have broken cement panels.

The demolishing of Khavaran cemetery was first ordered by mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei personally, and was placed on the agenda of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who was mayor of Tehran at the time. The ruling mullahs, who were carrying out this project under the banner of turning the cemetery into a public cemetery, were later forced to abandon the idea in the face of protests from victims’ families. In 2006, Ahmadinejad, now acting as the mullahs’ President, ordered the demolition of stones belonging to some of the slain political prisoners at the cemetery.

In 1988, in act of unprecedented brutality, the regime dug huge graves in Khavaran cemetery and buried the bodies of thousands of massacred political prisoners in these mass graves. Then it tried to veil this human catastrophe through deceptions. However, the Iranian Resistance published numerous documents and evidence exposing this inhumane crime in the eyes of the world.

In the course of this massacre, which is a clear example of a crime  committed against humanity, more than 30,000 political prisoners, many of whom had already finished their sentences, were sent to the gallows for merely supporting, sympathizing with or being members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). They were executed group after group in accordance with the religious decree (fatwa) issued by Ruhollah Khomeini, the mullah regime’s founder.

Khavaran cemetery, the most significant evidence of the mullahs’ inhumane crimes in 1988, has for the past two decades served as a reminder of a small portion of the ruling fascism’s brutal record, and has been the point of convergence for families of the victims and for protests against the bloodthirsty tyrants ruling Iran. As such, the destruction of this location has always been on the regime’s agenda. Ahmadinejad has been known among Iranians as “1000 bullet henchman” because of his criminal past in the regime’s torture chambers especially during the days of the massacres. After gaining power as the mullahs’ President, he has continually tried over the years to actively pursue the cemetery’s destruction.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international authorities, especially the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Arbitrary Executions working group in the UN Human Rights Council, and the families of the 1988 massacre victims to condemn the mullah regime’s actions, and demands the adoption of immediate and binding measures to prevent the demolition of Khavaran cemetery, as well as sending a delegation to Iran to determine the names and burial locations of the victims.

The Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance Iran
January 18, 2009