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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceEuropean Parliament calls for the removal of PMOI from the terror list

European Parliament calls for the removal of PMOI from the terror list

Press release
14 January 2009

In a resolution adopted today in the European Parliament plenary in Strasbourg, the
parliament strongly condemned the EU Council for not implementing several court decisions
in favour of the Iranian main democratic opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of
Iran (PMOI).

The paragraph referring to this subject is as follows:
[Report: Giusto Catania (A6-0479/2008) – Situation of fundamental rights in the European
Union (2004-2008)

“Parliament deplores the non-implementation by the EU of the verdict of the CFI on 12
December 2006 and 4th and 17th December 2008 and the UK Court of Appeal decision in
favour of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) on 7 May 2008."

A united Europe thrives on its democratic institutions and the rule of law, not arbitrary
decision making by any one body. The fact that the Council of Ministers has scorned the
Court ruling is a tragedy and threatens the inter-institutional cohesion of the Community. If
one institution can so arbitrarily and effortlessly trample upon fundamental EU principles
today, what can we expect for the future? Even worse, that this sad tale is the result of a
decision to appease the Iranian regime is a matter for shame and embarrassment. It sets a
dreadful precedent for the future and it has achieved nothing.

Now that our parliament, representing millions of our people in Europe has made its position
quite clear, we once again call on the EU Council to respect the rule of law and to remove the
PMOI from its terrorist list immediately.

Struan Stevenson MEP
Vice President of the EPP-ED Group
Co-Chair, Friends of a Free Iran intergroup
Paulo Casaca MEP
Co-Chair, Friends of a Free Iran intergroup