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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceAbduction; a new tactic of the IRGC in Afghanistan

Abduction; a new tactic of the IRGC in Afghanistan

Afghan FalgBy Reza Shafa

It is no secret that the Qods Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is responsible for extraterritorial operations and as such, it will never turn a blind eye on the neighboring Afghanistan.

On Friday, Brig. Gen. Massoud Jazayeri, Deputy Chairman of the mullahs' Joint Chiefs of the Armed Forces in public relations said in an interview with the state-run news agency ISNA, "We have every right to engage with our enemies outside our geographical boundaries."

"The U.S. should think twice before attacking the Islamic Republic of Iran. They would set off the Third World War."
It seems that what Jazayeri and his colleagues have in mind by "geographical boundaries" does not leave out Afghanistan or Iraq since the U.S. forces are in both of these countries.

One of the old tactics — in preparations for the longer term strategy which has been field tested in Iraq for the first time by the Qods force — was abduction.

This method, like all other tactics used so far in Iraq by the Qods Force is indiscriminate including children. It has been proven that the Qods Force had not hesitated to use the kidnapped children in Iraq at later date in suicide attacks.

It has been known that explosive belts are wrapped around their bodies and detonated in the anticipated locations.

So far as Afghanistan is concerned, Mirza Mohammad Yermand, chief of the country's Anti-narcotic Task Force said that in the first four months of this year 127 citizens were kidnapped. Among them were 14 women and 22 children.

It has also been reported that among the criminals arrested in relation with the abductions there were some of the mullahs' proxies detained by the Afghan security forces. According to their confessions, they were involved in plans to kidnap Afghan children. 

Two weeks ago, the police arrested an Iranian woman on the abduction charges. She was convicted of trying to kidnap three Afghan minors in Herat Province west of the country.

On November 2, there was a similar abduction incident where two Iranian truck drivers were arrested by the police for trying to kidnap an Afghan driver. According to police reports the attempted abduction case took place in Feizabad Township on the Jowzjan -Shirqan- Mazar Sharif highway.

National and local media in Afghanistan are sensitive to Iranian regime's meddling. A television station close to Najibullah Kabuli a member of the national parliament in a round table discussion revealed some of the tactics used by the Qods Force in the country.

According to the report the Iranian regime has opened new T.V. stations airing both text and regular programs promoting Islamic fundamentalism in Afghanistan. The round table discussion at the end concluded that the mullahs' embassy in Kabul is meddling in the country's affairs. Enayatollah Hafez, an expert on Iran-Afghanistan affairs argued that the best way to stop the Iranian regime was to shutdown its embassy in Kabul.
Reza Shafa is an expert on the Iranian regime's Intelligence networks, both in Iran and abroad. He has done extensive research on Iranian Ministry of Information and Security (MOIS) also known as VEVAK, Intelligence Office of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and Qods Force among others. Currently he is a contributor to NCRI website.