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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIran-EU: Remove PMOI from EU's terror list - Belgian MP

Iran-EU: Remove PMOI from EU’s terror list – Belgian MP

Jean-Pierre Malmendier, member of the Belgian ParliamentNCRI – Mr. Jean-Pierre Malmendier, member of the Belgian Parliament Joined 35,000 Iranians rallying in Brussels on November 7 to express solidarity with the Iranian people and their resistance to free Iran. The following is an excerpt from his address to the rally:

We have gathered here today when Iran is becoming more and more the focus of international developments and the threats of the Iranian regime in many ways are becoming clear for world peace and security.
In the field of human rights, more than 70 executions and death sentences have been reported by the official media after Ahmadinejad. This is almost double for the same period before the elections. More restrictions on women have also been reported.
In Iraq, the role of the Iranian regime in aiding terrorists and sending arms and funds to insurgents have become so clear that even the British government, in recent weeks, has repeatedly complained about the role of Iranian regime in killing of their soldiers in southern Iraq.
But most importantly the international community has raised concern about regime’s nuclear ambitions. Since three months ago the regime has broken all their agreements with the EU-3 and they have started converting uranium.
With the latest comments from the regime’s president, Ahmadinejad, which is not only a threat to the neighboring countries and the region but to the whole world, the international community should no longer delay in taking action against the regime.
For many years EU has been conducting a policy of appeasement vis-à-vis Iran. They said by having dialog and negotiations with the regime they will achieve reform and moderation. In their negotiations with the regime EU decided to close their eyes on human rights violations. They even accepted to put the main opposition, the People’s Mojahedin of Iran in their list of terrorist organizations as a concession to the regime.
What are the results? Do we see moderation in Iran? Is there more freedom of expression and freedom of thought in Iran? Are we seeing fewer executions in Iran? Have the Iranian regime accepted to abandon their secret nuclear program?
No, The answer to all this questions is No!
The only party who has gained is the most fascist faction in Iran! This is the result of appeasing dictators. We have experienced it before during Hitler. We don’t want to go through it again.
EU must stop appeasing the Iranian Regime. Instead we must support the opposition. It was through information from People’s Mojahedin that the world was warned about the secret activities of the Iranian regime.
I think we all owe the Iranian Resistance a great thank you for their work and for warning the international community of the threats caused by the regime.
It’s time to wake up! We must be firm with the regime; EU must send a clear message to Tehran. EU must remove the People’s Mojahedin from the terror list. This will also send a clear message to the Iranian people that Europe is on the side of the people and democracy and not on the side of the criminal mullahs.
This is an insult to the Iranian people to have Ahmadinejad as the President. I can see you holding many pictures of Maryam Rajavi. I have personally met her and I found a very charismatic, courageous and a very intelligent leader. I believe the Iranian people deserve to have Maryam as their president.
I dedicate my last words to say also hello to the people of Ashraf. They have been resisting during these two years under enormous pressures in Iraq and I feel assured with their determination the regime can never stop them from reaching their freedom and democracy in Iran.
Thank you all for coming here to our capital – which is also the capital of Europe – to warn the world of a real danger.