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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsIran: More than 400 workers walked out over unpaid wages in Qazvin

Iran: More than 400 workers walked out over unpaid wages in Qazvin

iran-workers150NCRI – More than 400 workers at Farnakh textile factory walked out over their unpaid salaries and wages for the past three month in the western city of Qazvin.
The part time and full time workers have not been paid for good part of the current Iranian calendar year starting March 21.

However, in a suppressive measure, the company's management has shutdown the factory since last month.

The striking workers gathered outside the company's management office in protest and refused to leave until they are fully paid and go back to their production lines.

On April 16, nearly800 workers at the same factory went on strike in protest against non-payment of their salaries in the past two months and the New Year bonus. The factory was the largest of its kind in the Middle-East before enforcement of privatization scheme.

At the time, the factory management asked the workers to send a delegation of three for negotiations but the workers refused in order to prevent identification and arrest of their representatives by the security agents. They demanded the manager of the factory to meet with all the workers in the facility's mosque.