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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIraqi women call for eviction of Iranian regime from Iraq, support PMOI...

Iraqi women call for eviction of Iranian regime from Iraq, support PMOI (MEK)

Iraqi women call for eviction of Iranian regime from Iraq, support PMOI (MEK)NCRI – Dozens of Iraqi women associations and organizations including the Women branch of the National Accord Movement and women branch of the National Dialogue Front in a session held in Ashraf City declared their support for the Iranian Resistance and called for eviction of Iranian regime from Iraq.

The participants declared support for Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and expressed solidarity with women members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK)  residing in Ashraf City in Iraq.

Iraqi women call for eviction of Iranian regime from Iraq, support PMOI (MEK)NCRI – Dozens of Iraqi women associations and organizations including the Women branch of the National Accord Movement and women branch of the National Dialogue Front in a session held in Ashraf City declared their support for the Iranian Resistance and called for eviction of Iranian regime from Iraq.

The participants declared support for Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and expressed solidarity with women members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK)  residing in Ashraf City in Iraq.

The gathering of Iraqi women took place in the framework of The Solidarity Congress of Iraqi People. The women’s special session was held in Ashraf City in which well over 42 Iraqi women associations and organizations took part.

A number of prominent Iraqi women spoke in the gathering. Ms. Sediqeh Hosseini, Secretary General of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) was the speaker in this occasion. 

Ms. Hosseini said: Today is a historic and delightful day for me, because I see that Iraqi women play their historic role. This unity, solidarity, jubilance and enthusiasm for freedom and equality deserve congratulations. This unity is a significant step toward victory over religious fascism.

Mrs. Faeza al-Ubaidi, chairwoman of the women's branch of the Iraqi National Accord headed by Dr. Ayad Allawi, stressed on solidarity of all patriotic women and said: First, I want to pray to God for the well being of the PMOI brothers and sisters in Ashraf City after the missile attack by the clerical regime; this attack was a sign of Iranian regime’s weakness and your strength and a sign of your support for salvation of both nations Iraq and Iran.

We have to be united in order to achieve our desires in both countries and establish a government free of Iranian regime. It wants to separate our nations from each other, but we have to become united with all patriotic individuals and don’t let the Iranian regime achieve its sectarian policy in Iraq.

The other speakers in the congress were:
• Ms. Roqiyeh Abbassi, a PMOI official
• Mrs. Makkiya Abboud, chairwoman of Women branch of the National Dialogue Front
• Mrs. Karima Dawoud, jurist
• Mrs. Mona Adnan, chairwoman of the Iraqi Women’s Union
• Mrs. Saham Abdulhussein, chairwoman of Women Union in Kirkuk, Diyala and southern Iraqi provinces
• Mrs. Amira Abdulhussein, chairwoman of Environmental Society of Karkh- National Accord Movement
• Mrs. Maison Majid, chairwoman of the Association of compassion and charity

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, in a video message to the congress, said: We are at a crucial moment of the history of Iraq and Iran and the whole region; all grounds are provided to change the era of dark fascism under the banner of religion to democracy.