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Iran: Two thousand students turned out on day nine of the Teachers’ Training School sit-in

National Council of resistance of IranNCRI – Last night, more than 2000 students turnout to mark the ninth day of their sit-in at Teachers' Training School in Karaj some 40 kilometer west of the capital.

The students chanted, "No matter what hardship we face, the movement will continue to the end" and "Students will die but never be humiliated."

More than 120 students have begun their seventh day of hunger strike, 45 of them are female students. Thirteen strikers have been reported hospitalized as they participated in the hunger strike.

Since Friday, agents of the notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) have a visible presence on campus. An agent identified as Mobashiri is organizing student paramilitary Bassij, the university's security and other suppressive apparatus against the striking students.

The mullahs' suppressive agents are warning the families of protesting students not to let-out the news of the sit-in, fearing the strike would spread to other Iranian universities. However, many other schools have already pledged their support for the student protest at Teachers' Training School in Karaj.

The Iranian Resistance calls on human rights organizations as well as student unions to condemn the regime's suppressive measures against the students.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 7, 2008