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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIranian-Americans call on US to reverse PMOI/MEK terror designation

Iranian-Americans call on US to reverse PMOI/MEK terror designation

ImageHOUSTON, May 9 — The Iranian-American Society of Texas welcomes the May 7th ruling by the British Court of Appeal on the terror designation of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The historic decision rejected the British government's appeal to challenge an order by a lower court to de-proscribe PMOI.

The designation came about in 2001 as a result of a disgraceful attempt by the then Home Secretary Jack Straw to placate the ayatollahs' tyrannical regime in Iran. To further appease the mullahs, the British government pressed the European Union to follow suit and blacklist the PMOI in 2002.

Following the Wednesday ruling, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance (NCRI), remarked that "The ruling marked the end of the grave insult to the People's Mujahedeen … The terrorist label has crumbled." Indeed this ruling is the triumph of justice and truth over shameful policy of appeasement of a fascist regime.

The Iranian-American Society of Texas calls on the U.S. Department of State to base its upcoming October 2008 review of the terrorist designation of the PMOI on the Court of Appeal's ruling which emphatically stated that the organization is not "concerned in terrorism."

The ruling of the British courts as well as a similar verdict by the EU Court of Justice in Luxemburg in December 2006, issued following the courts complete review of all open and classified evidence and independent of any political and policy considerations, behooves the U.S. government to promptly revoke the morally and legally unjustified blacklisting of the PMOI.

The policy of appeasement pursued by the western governments has only emboldened the mullahs as it did the Hitler's fascist regime. We must untie the hands of the Iranian people and their just resistance to rid Iran and the whole world of this nuclear weapons seeking menace before it is too late.

The PMOI, with more than forty years of noble struggle for freedom and secular democracy against two dictatorships in Iran, is essential to the realization of democratic change in Iran. It is time to stand with the Iranian people and support them in their resistance against the Islamic fundamentalist rulers by lifting the terror designation from the PMOI.

SOURCE The Iranian-American Society of Texas

Photo: Paris, May 7, 2008, Supporters of the Iranian Resistance celebrating after the Britain's Court of Appeal affirmed a lower court ruling that the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) (or Mujahideen-e-Khalq, MEK) should not be listed as a terrorist organization.