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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranUS ambassador to UN slams "Iran's destabilizing actions in Iraq"

US ambassador to UN slams “Iran’s destabilizing actions in Iraq”

KhalilzadNCRI – Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations on Monday slammed Iranian regime’s “destabilizing influence and actions" in Iraq.

Zalmay Khalilzad told a UN Security Council meeting that the Iranian regime’s Qods Force "continues to arm, train, and fund illegal armed groups in Iraq."

He added that the bulk of weapons used by these groups were "made in Iran and supplied by Iran, including mortars, rockets and explosively-formed penetrators (EFPs)."

In a report to the council on behalf of the multinational forces, Khalilzad said that Iranian-backed groups have launched numerous attacks on Iraqi civilians and multinational forces this year.

"The recent clashes between criminal militia elements and Iraqi government forces in Basra and Baghdad have highlighted Iran's destabilizing influence and actions," he said.

The report is based on wire news dispatches