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Maryam Rajavi: Iran regime expedites move towards the nuclear bomb

Sample ImageMrs. Rajavi: The clerical regime expedites move towards the nuclear bomb, comprehensive sanctions are imperative and should be implemented immediately

NCRI- Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described today's remarks by Ahmadinejad on "starting to install 6,000 centrifuges" in Natanz as a clear indication of the clerical regime's accelerating drive to obtain the nuclear bomb. She urged the UN Security Council to adopt a firm policy and to impose comprehensive and immediate sanctions against the regime.

In Natanz earlier today, Ahmadinejad talked of "good news" on the "nuclear and aerospace" fields. By aerospace, Ahmadinejad was referring to the missile industries. He added: "Technical advancement is the cream of the work. All political discussions should provide assistance so this technology can be utilized…. We have gained some victories in political area too. But at the end, we are a nuclear country and we should use all of our nuclear potentials."

For the mullahs, nuclear potentials are equivalent to obtaining nuclear weapons.

On February 20, the Iranian Resistance revealed that the clerical regime was pursuing the manufacture of nuclear warheads in Khojir in Hemat's Industrial Complex of the Aerospace Organization.

Mrs. Rajavi added that Khamenei's objective in the unprecedented purge during the recent Majlis elections and the regime's absolute unipolarization, unseen even during Khomeini's era, was to pave the way for obtaining the nuclear bomb with all of its internal and international requirements. Khamenei intends to eliminate any possible schism within the regime's ranks and to control his faction in the Majlis, so as to be prepared for confronting the crisis stemming from the regime's nuclear drive which is moving forward "without gears and without brakes." 

Although by resorting to fabrication and demagogy, Ahmadinejad has tried to pretend as that firmness and sanctions vis-à-vis this regime would be futile, today he was forced to acknowledge the impact of the Iranian Resistance's revelations and the sanctions. He said: "The ill-wishers of Iranian people are doing their utmost so that our nation does not acquire new technology and does not make new advancements. This might create some delays and slowness in our works." 

In an interview with Japan's Kyodo news agency, published on April 4, Ahmadinejad rejected any new possible incentives offered by the West in return for suspending the nuclear program. He stipulated, "This is a non-negotiable subject," and belongs to the past.

The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance reiterated that while the clerical regime was actively and with all available means violating the UN Security Council resolutions, the imposition of comprehensive military, technological, diplomatic, and oil sanctions by the UN Security Council is ever more imperative. Any delay or pinning hope on possible negotiations with the regime would only provide time to the mullahs who view obtaining nuclear weapons as a strategic guarantor of their survival and will not give it up under any circumstances.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 8, 2008