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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsIran: New Tehran University Chancellor, an Intelligence Ministry official, a nuclear proliferator

Iran: New Tehran University Chancellor, an Intelligence Ministry official, a nuclear proliferator

Active ImageNCRI – According to reliable reports, Farhad Rahbar, who was recently appointed as the Chancellor of Tehran University, was a deputy in the notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). 

He is also known to be a key figure in the clerical regime's nuclear proliferation program. According to a report by the German weekly, Der Spiegel on November 13, 2006, he was one of the directors of the "Control Center for Nuclear Issues."

In February 2007, the Iranian parliamentary deputies had complained that they did not have access to detailed information about the government's budget. The draft budget contained a clause for a "special fund" and was written by Farhad Rahbar, then the vice-president and head of the Planning and Budget Organization.

In both capacities, Rahbar, who is close to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei succeeded in increasing the military budget and concealing the "special fund," the report said.

Rahbar, 48, joined the MOIS in 1999 and was prompted to the post of Intelligence Minister Deputy on Financial Affairs to Ali Yunessi, the Intelligence Minister under Mohammad Khatami.

The MOIS financial department plays a key rule in financing the Iranian regime's terrorism network outside Iran, including the activities of the Qods Force, as well as Tehran's nuclear weapons drive.

Rahbar, who is also a close confident of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was a leading candidate to become Tehran University's chancellor.

In the past two years, Tehran University has been one of the most restive institutions of higher education, where the students have been waging anti-government protests continuously.