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Iran: “They have already been elected. They are joking”

Active ImageNCRI- “They have already been elected. They are joking”; "I have more important things to do than voting. The result is clear”, “All the people on the list are the same. It's all the same regime,” voters said on Election Day in Iran.

The capital Tehran witnessed a very cold “election” on Friday. Voters shunned from taking part in a stage-managed show put out by the supreme leader Ali Khamenei. In most polling stations people did not welcome the event. They rather stay at home and enjoy their day off.

What the voters say:


SEYYED MOHSEN, 51, a car dealer:
"Why should I vote when I am buying rice for 30,000 rials (around 3 dollars) a kilo? They have already been elected. They are joking,"

FARNAK, 25, a housewife:
"I have more important things to do than voting. The result is clear. Ahmadinejad's supporters will win again, so why should I bother."

"The people you see voting here are people employed by the government, and who depend on the government. Ordinary people do not have a good life and they don't vote," Shah said. "I was wounded twice in the war but the government does nothing for me. I have sons who are going to go to university, and I'm worried I can't pay for them.
"Of my family and friends, not 1% are going to vote. All the people on the list are the same. It's all the same regime."

BIBI ZAHRA, an elderly woman at a central Tehran polling station
"My son told me I should vote. I don't know who I am voting for, he filled the form for me and I think it is better to vote, as my son said."

HASSANALI, 38, a shopkeeper in Tehran
"This is before Noruz (the Iranian New Year on March 20), I don't have time to vote because I need to earn more money because of this inflation. Why should I vote again? What was the result of the previous vote? Only high inflation."