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Whitewashing Ayatollahs’ atrocities in Iran

Commentary by U.S. Alliance for Democratic Iran
It is almost an impossible task to legitimately and successfully defend and justify negotiations and reconciliation with a regime that is persistently killing, maiming, torturing, and stoning its own citizens. So it should not come as a surprise that Tehran’s apologists are working double hard these days to hide the ayatollahs’ bloody hands and deny the existence of appalling human right crisis in Iran. They blame everyone and everything but the regime – from the “radical demands” of people and “radical political organizations” to Washington’s statements supporting democracy – for the barbaric rights violations going on in Iran.

Last December, in an editorial titled “The only Iran war is within Iran,” the Christian Science Monitor ridiculed the excuses made by “friends” of ayatollahs. The Monitor wrote: “It would be easy to say the regime simply fears alleged American meddling, like the CIA kind that was behind the infamous 1953 coup. And that’s certainly a convenient excuse used by Iran and its friends to justify repression. But the hard evidence is that Iran’s 70 million people – two-thirds of whom are younger than 33 years old – are alienated from their government and tired of nearly three decades of "revolution" with little to show for it.”

The events of recent weeks in Iran again indicate that the three-decade long failure of pro-reconciliation line is not at all for lack of efforts on their part and unwillingness of Washington and other capitals. The failure has first and foremost to do with the fact that the ayatollahs’ regime lacks the ideological and political capacity and willingness to engage in a meaningful diplomatic reconciliation process.

On February 7, Amnesty International warned that two sisters, Zohreh and Azar Kabiri-niat, are facing execution by stoning for "adultery’, following a ruling by the Supreme Court in Iran. The court had also upheld another death-by-stoning ruling for Abdullah Farivar, 49, also for “adultery” as his offense. Local authorities have informed his family last week that the sentence would soon be carried out.

Meanwhile there are reports that two Kurdish students have been arrested for unspecified reasons, bringing the number of arrested Kurdish students to 11 in recent weeks. The state-run daily Etemad reported this week that a young Iranian man has been sentenced to hang for repeatedly consuming alcohol. This week, the clerical regime also sentenced nine teenagers to death who were all under 18 at the time of the alleged crime.

Late last month, Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, the ayatollahs’ chief of judiciary, reacting to mounting international condemnation and outrage over a series of horrific public hangings, issued a ban for public executions except in cases approved by him. A week later, Sharoudi announced a ban on detentions unless charges are pressed against the detainee. These decrees would have been significant news if the “rule of law” really existed in Iran and what Shahroudi’s orders really taken seriously. He had previously banned the practice of issuing sentence of death-by-stoning. That order has been ignored by many “religious judges” in Iran.

Iran’s system of governance is structurally and intrinsically incapable of meaningful reform. To understand why Tehran will never halt its nuclear weapons program – which includes production of fissile material – one must first understand why the ayatollahs’ rule can not survive without an all out suppression of Iran’s people.

In March 2006, the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who in alliance with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards’ top brass brought Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to presidency, told an audience that Iran’s nuclear program was "irreversible" since any retreat would endanger totality of the regime. Khamenei said: “Any retreat will open the way for a series of endless pressure and never-ending backdowns.”

What Khamenei is really alluding to is the domino effect of retreat in the nuclear case on other elements of the mullahs’ survival handbook, most notably human rights and domestic terror. They know full well that any voluntary retreat on the human rights front would bring about an end to their rule.

In 2005, shortly after assuming his position as the Secretary General of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Larijani told reporters that Tehran viewed nuclear capability as providing the sole guarantee for its survival. Larijani, a protégé of Supreme Leader Khamenei, said, “This is a war. If we take a step back today, tomorrow they will bring up the issue of human rights, and the day after they will bring up the issue of Hezbollah, and then democracy, and other matters.”

A close look at Iran’s internal dynamics – the size and frequency of anti-government protests, as well ayatollahs barbaric and growing crackdown of social and political dissent – show that these are all the tell-tell signs of a tyranny in the existential fear of its own people.

The people of Iran are at war with the ruling religious fascism. They are in a patriotic struggle for freedom, democracy, and rule of law. We must join Iranians in this noble war, not militarily, but by throwing our full diplomatic and political weight behind them.

Iran’s ruling demagogues must be stopped and they can only be stopped when they are gone. The notion of reconciliation and possibility of a behavioral change in Tehran is simply a policy ruse promoted by the Trans-Atlantic advocates of Tehran regime to cloak the real war within.

The US Alliance for Democratic Iran (USADI), is an independent, non-profit organization, which aims to advance a US policy on Iran that will benefit America through supporting Iranian people’s aspirations for a democratic, secular, and peaceful government. The USADI is not affiliated with any government agencies, political groups or parties.