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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIran: Workers strikes in Alborz (Kiyan) Tire factory

Iran: Workers strikes in Alborz (Kiyan) Tire factory

NCRI – Workers have gone on strike over low pay and poor working conditions in a major tire manufacturing complex in Iran. The angry protestors burned tires on the factory grounds.

This is their second walkout since last week when the management promised to resolve the disputes over unpaid wages.

Alborz Tire formerly known as Kiyan Tire belonged to former mullahs’ president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani with more than 3,000 workers went on strike over their three months unpaid wages and benefits.

Members of the State Security Forces (SSF) and plain-clothes security agents have blocked the entrance gate to the factory preventing contacts with the striking workers. 

On Sunday, they gathered on the factory’s grounds shouting anti-government slogans. Striking workers chanted, "Salary, security and decent living are our inalienable rights." 

"Workers have decided to continue with their protest until their demands are met," said a labor activist, identified only by his first name Ali, on the scene of demonstration.

Approaching the end of Iranian calendar year in March, workers in factories and workshops are angry over not receiving their unpaid wages nationwide.

Most of Iranian workers live under poverty line barely able to make the ends meet.