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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismIran-France: Mullahs' Intelligence Ministry dispatches more agents to France

Iran-France: Mullahs’ Intelligence Ministry dispatches more agents to France

Mullahs' Intelligence Minister, Hojjatol-Islam Gholam-Hossein Mohseni EzheiIranian Resistance warns of mullahs’ terrorist schemes abroad

NCRI, October 17 – In pursuit of its misinformation and demonization campaign as well as terrorist schemes against the Iranian Resistance, the clerical regime has dispatched several other Intelligence Ministry agents to France, disguised as former members and officials of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) who have recently come from Camp Ashraf.

One such agent, Behzad Alishahi, was among those who left Camp Ashraf 15 months ago, on July 4, 2004, two days after the PMOI personnel were recognized by the Multi-National Force-Iraq as protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention. In a statement on July 24, 2004, the NCRI Secretariat reported the departure of these individuals, who had the choice of staying in Ashraf or leaving to lead a normal life.

Alishahi was among those handed over by the US forces to the Iranian regime on February 28, 2005 at the Khosravi border crossing. A representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross oversaw the transfer. He is listed as number 7, in the document sent to Tehran from Kermanshah when these individuals entered Iranian territory.

After recanting and being hired by the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), Alishahi carried out several missions in Iran for six months. For example, accompanied by his MOIS handlers, he visited families of the Mojahedin and NCRI members to coerce them, either through incentives or threats, into abandoning their anti-regime activities. The MOIS dispatched Alishahi to Germany this summer and in recent weeks to France.

Last July, the MOIS used the identical tactic to send another agent, Javad Firouzmand (aka Afshin Boroumand) from Iran to France, posing as senior PMOI official who had just fled from Camp Ashraf. In fact, Firouzmand had left Camp Ashraf 15 months ago, on April 28, 2004, while being interviewed by a U.S. State Department team based at the Camp. He stayed in the U.S.-run exit facility and returned to Iran on March 10, 2005.

The clerical regime has dispatched its agents to France to continue its sinister plots against the Iranian opposition. In an interview with the French Television channel, ARTE, on September 27, 2005, Mr. Emmanuel Ludot, a French jurist and lawyer who is a member of the team that will defend former Iraqi President, unveiled a proposal by the Iranian regime’s ambassador to France, Sadeq Kharrazi, to attribute further lies to the PMOI. Mr. Ludot said, "The Iranian ambassador told me why we don’t agree on one issue. We say Iranians did not gas the Kurds. We have a document that we will provide to you. It proves that the PMOI gassed the Kurds. So, we agree on a common position. You say this was the work of the PMOI and we say the same thing. In this way, both sides’ dignity (Iran and Iraq) would be preserved."

As such, the MOIS is dispatching its agents to France to turn this country to a loading dock for its operatives who act as the lead group to facilitate the mullahs’ subsequent terrorist plots.

After the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Firouzmand was commissioned specifically to track down Mr. Massoud Rajavi and carry out Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s order to assassinate him (PMOI statement, April 14, 2003). The MOIS and the Revolutionary Guards Corps’ Qods (Jerusalem) Force, which assassinated Mr. Rajavi’s elder brother Prof. Kazem Rajavi in April 1990 in Geneva, blatantly boasted of such a plan on July 6, 2005 on the Ministry’s websites.

The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of all European governments, especially France, to the conspiracies of the clerical regime’s agents and its espionage and terrorist networks against Iranian refugees, members and sympathizers of the Resistance. It calls for the legal pursuit, prosecution and expulsion of this regime’s agents. We must not allow Europe to become the roaming grounds for the agents of the godfather of international terrorism and the most active state-sponsor of terror and fundamentalism.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 17, 2005