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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIranian Resistance's popular support to bring democratic change to Iran

Iranian Resistance’s popular support to bring democratic change to Iran

If the PMOI is not popular in Iran, why should the regime pay so much attention to it?
NCRI – While there is a growing consensus that the issue of Iran is the most serious crisis facing the world, the lingering question is to find a solution.

The Iranian Resistance has maintained that neither appeasement nor foreign military intervention is the answer. The Resistance has advocated the "third option," i.e. democratic change by the people of Iran and their Resistance.

Yet, many Iran observers and analysts pose the question that does the Iranian Resistance have enough popular support to bring about such a change?

Image500,000 supporters of Mojahedin of Iran on June 20, 1981 in Tehran to protest against the emerging dictatorship. Upon Khomeini’s order, the peaceful march was turned into a bloodbath.If the PMOI is not popular in Iran, why should the regime pay so much attention to it?
NCRI – While there is a growing consensus that the issue of Iran is the most serious crisis facing the world, the lingering question is to find a solution.

The Iranian Resistance has maintained that neither appeasement nor foreign military intervention is the answer. The Resistance has advocated the "third option," i.e. democratic change by the people of Iran and their Resistance.

Yet, many Iran observers and analysts pose the question that does the Iranian Resistance have enough popular support to bring about such a change?

It is obvious that in a religious dictatorship, it is impossible to gauge the tendencies of citizens freely, and it is impossible to make statistical evaluations. However, there are some indications that could be telling.

In a speech at a meeting in the European Parliament on December 19, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran enumerated a few of these indications:

"First, about the Resistance network in Iran: It plays a vital role in organizing protests by students, teachers and workers. Anti-government demonstrations over the past three months clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of this network."

"These networks help finance the movement. Exposing the mullahs’ secret nuclear activities and documentary evidence on human rights violations are provided by the same networks. Having access to information on the regime’s terror network is another sign of this Resistance’s popular base."

"The second indicator is the Iranian regimes’ constant demand from its Western partners to restrict our activities. After visiting Iran, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the British Parliament said on 28 November: ‘We were struck by the number of times that the Iranians wanted to raise the issue of the PMOI to a level of obsession’."  

"According to the state controlled media in Iran, the PMOI was the main topic of discussion when the European Parliament delegation visited Iran last week. Rather than meeting with the victims of the regime, the delegation met with different associations affiliated with Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence. Of course, these associations were supposed to be NGO’s.  The mullahs’ objective was to convey this message through the EP delegation that lack of concessions by the West caused greater human rights abuses in Iran. Sadly, the EP delegation conveyed exactly the same message. This is whitewashing mullahs’ crimes”.

"If the PMOI is not popular in Iran, why should the regime pay so much attention to it?"

"The third indicator is the movement’s support among Iranians outside of Iran. Tens of thousands of people participate in different gatherings in support of the Resistance in the US or in European capitals."

"The fourth indicator is the movement’s background. Before the start of the mass executions and the reign of terror, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) official publication had a circulation of Six hundred thousand. PMOI meetings attracted several hundred thousand."

"Since 1981, the mullahs have executed 120,000 political opponents. But, they have failed to destroy the Resistance. Despite the difficult conditions in Ashraf City, many young people are joining the PMOI in Ashraf. "

"The fifth indicator is the cultural identity of the Resistance. The PMOI, as the pivotal force of the Resistance, advocates a democratic and tolerant Islam. It is therefore the political and cultural antidote to the mullahs’ regime”.

"For the same reason, the PMOI is very popular among Iraqi people.  In June 2006, 5.2 million Iraqis signed a declaration in support of the PMOI."

"Recently, in another show of support, 300,000 Shiites in southern Iraq singed a similar statement."

The popular support for the Resistance is an indispensable element to bring about the change in Iran. But in order for it to culminate to the desired objective, it should be coupled with the Resistance’s unity and organizational ability.

What makes the prospects bleak for the mullahs is the simple fact that despite all of their attempts, the Resistance maintains all these key elements and that is what makes "the third option" more viable than ever before.